Friday, January 23, 2009

Lenten Bible Studies

Psalm 22
A free downloadable bible study ideal for Lent based on Psalm 22 My God, My God why have you foresaken available from from Hope Lutheran Church Aurora.

The Amazing Gift of Baptism
Topics include:
1. Baptism and God’s Amazing Grace
2. Baptism and the Individual before God
3. Baptism and Initiation into the Church
4. Baptism and the Encounter with Love
5. Baptism and Healing
6. Baptism and Community Life
7. Baptism and New Life
8. Baptism and Social Response
9. Baptism and Death

Luther's Seven Marks of the Church from Mt Olivet Lutheran Church

I will post more bible studies shortly


Unknown said...

I would like to see some bible studies pertaining to stewardship.

Richard Schwedes said...

Frank have you tried let me know if you are looking for something else