Friday, February 07, 2025

Nicene Creed resources

In 325AD the first version of the Nicene Creed was  adopted by the Christian church at the Council of Nicaea.

So in 2025 many Christians will be celebrating 1700 years of the Christian church proclaiming God using the words of the Nicene Creed

Following are some Resources to assist you in commemorating and celebrating God through the words of the Nicene Creed.  


Nicene Creed: A Scriptural, Historical, and Theological Commentary

The Nicene Creed - a devotional

Very God: an artist explores the Nicene Creed

Bible References for the Nicene Creed

Worship/Sermon Series

The Story of the Nicene Creed

2025 Lent Resources

Lent resources for 2025

Books, devotions and worship

4o things not to give up for Lent

Book of Faith 40-Day Lenten Journey into the Lord's Prayer

Meeting Jesus at the Table Lent devotion 

 Saint and Sinner Lent Devotion

Stations for Easter and Lent 

Saviour Servant Friend Devotion

Resource pages from Lutheran Church of Australia and other organisations

Lutheran Church of Australia Worship Planning Page Lent Resources

Lutheran Tract Mission – Lent Resources

Lutheran Lent Daily Devotions

National Council of Churches – Lent resources from various churches

ACR – Lent and Easter Resources

1517 Lent resources

Creative Communications for the Parish - Lent Resources

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Book: Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men

Today's youth are facing big problems and challenges, and they need life-saving truth that speaks directly to their unique circumstances.

Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men, and its companion title for young women, is an engaging and practical devotional that candidly addresses the real hurts and heartaches of adolescence. In contrast to the daily media onslaught that young people are subjected to that leads to comparison, anxiety, perfectionism, and confusion, Faith Notes offers Jesus, grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone. They offer a survival guide that lead to eternal life.

In all, Faith Notes offers 96 devotionals on general subjects: Relationships; Spiritual Life; Thoughts and Feelings; Friends; the Future; Character; Family and Home; Anxiety; and Mistakes.

The author, Rev. Michael W. Newman, has been a pastor in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and has served and ministered to youth for decades, giving him unique insight into what's troubling the youth of today, and how to respond Christ-like to those troubles.

Buy Faith Notes here