Monday, June 27, 2011

Discussion starter: Effective missional and ministry buildings

Anyone who has spent time talking about the church.....
would have heard that the church is not the building....
it is God's people gathering together to hear the Word, talk about the Word and participate in God's sacraments....
And people need effective places to gather...
which is where the role of church buildings come in.

Whether you have a permenant structure, multi purpose building or one you use casually; How effective is your gathering space for ministry and mission?

Is it out of date???...(this is a touchy one for some, but here is the reality what was appropriate and acceptable 50 years ago is often far from acceptable either safety wise, technology wise, comfort wise or  accessibility wise for many people especially younger people).

Is your building helping people hear and participate in the Gospel?
Does it hinder or enhance relationships before and after worship services or even during worship services?

Lutheran Church Planting network: FiveTwo

FiveTwo is churchplanting network supported by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod church planters.

On their about page....they say they are more about doing than talking

There is a strong emphasis on:
Connecting with other church planters
Learning -there are short teaching online videos
Services - providing access to consultants
They also hold a wikiconference each year...videos of sessions from this conference are available on their facebook page....

Even if you are not a church planter but involved in a local church they offer some great teaching and insights