Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Devotion - a simple approach to the New Year

 Every year December 31 leads into January 1....the new year...

As Christians this is a good opportunity to reflect, pray, plan, act and reflect again


On a bible reading - Isaiah 43:16-21, Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Psalm 8, Revelation 21:1-6a or Matthew 25:31-46

Greatest Commandment - How have you experienced or lived out the Greatest Commandment of loving God and loving others?

Great Commission - Who have you shared Jesus with, or invited to meet Jesus?

On your life  -  What or who can you give thanks for?   What do you need to seek forgiveness for?  What needs some attention?  What are you needing help with?


Pray about what ever pops up in your mind related to the Bible Reading, Greatest Commandment, Great Commission or Your life.   


Consider where God is calling you....and what is prompted from your prayer time, that leads into the next year. 

What practical things do you need to put into place?

Who do you need to contact and seek help, guidance or assistance from?

What changes may you need to make and need God's help with?

Put things in your diary or draw up a schedule of activities that help you? 


Pray every day for God's help 

Do things that follow your plan. 

Do things in ways that help you keep connected with God, reflect God (Greatest Commandment), connect others with God (Great Commission).  

and be prepared for God to surprise you 

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