Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Froniter School of Mission - update

Frontier School of Mission (FSM) is a mission-focused training and resourcing ministry of the Lutheran Church of Australia, NSW and ACT District. 

FSM offers accredited units and courses as well as non-accredited and informal training opportunities, with a practical and missional focus.  

Courses being offered include:

  • Theology of Mission 
  • Mission Perspectives
  • Introduction to Preaching
  • Worship 
  • Foundations of Christian Belief
  • Gospel, Church and Australian Culture
  • The Early New Testament Church (a study in early church mission)
  • Christian Apologetics (Communicating the Christian Faith in Twenty-first century Australia)
  • Applied Evangelism
  • Church Planting
  • Pastoral Care
  • Christian Spirituality  
  • Jesus and the Gospels

For more information and to discuss your needs for ministry training visit

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