Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Retreat: Shepherds Canyon Retreat

The Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat ministry is committed to providing spiritual and emotional healing to clergy, other full-time church workers and their spouses who are in the midst of various stages of burnout, depression, compassion fatigue, and conflicts of all types, offering the hope and renewal found through the Holy Spirit's work through God's Word.

Each retreat pursues three basic goals:

  1. Allow each participant to safely unburden the hurts and pressures of life and ministry in a safe, non-judgmental, and loving environment.
  2. Assist each person to understand herself/himself more completely.
  3. To encourage the participants to develop new levels of self-acceptance as well as more effective relational skills.  This often includes evaluation of expectations, reordering of priorities, improving communication skills and bringing a new perspective concerning their life and ministry.
Shepherds Canyon Retreats was formed by Lutherans

For more information visit

For any Australian Pastors wanting to access this retreat there is some assistance available contact me ( so i can refer you to the appropriate contact.

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