Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Internship - Warrambui ARISE internship program

Arise Internships provide a unique opportunity to learn, serve and grow in a dynamic Christian environment over a 12 month period.

It is designed for young adults, whether you be a recent school leaver or someone who is looking to discern your calling in life.

Arise focuses on building a faith foundation where character is built, identity in Christ is revealed, and questions of faith explored, while living and serving in a Christian community.

Interns experience practical aspects of ministry by working, living and learning alongside others in a camp setting.

Throughout the year we intentionally seek to build a faith foundation that will grow the Interns’ Christian faith and character. We grow valuable life skills and ministry experience that will benefit the individual and the communities they are involved with after Warrambui.

To achieve this goal, we have three core elements that help grow the Interns:

  • Volunteer service tasks to Warrambui (e.g. Kitchen work, Cleaning, School Programs)
  • Biblical and Theological Study
  • Personal growth and Leadership Development through involvement in youth camps, youth groups, congregational visits, and team times.

Being part of a Christian community doesn’t mean things are always rosy, but we continue to praise and thank God for the tough times to grow and work through the differences in people’s behaviours and attitudes.

For more information  visit

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