Friday, November 17, 2017

Book: The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative

Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. 
But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that mission is bigger than that--there is in fact a missional basis for the Bible! The entire Bible is generated by and is all about God's mission. 
In order to understand the Bible, we need a missional hermeneutic of the Bible, an interpretive perspective that is in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see the "big picture" of God's mission and how the familiar bits and pieces fit into the grand narrative of Scripture. Beginning with the Old Testament and the groundwork it lays for understanding who God is, what he has called his people to be and do, and how the nations fit into God's mission, Wright gives us a new hermeneutical perspective on Scripture. This new perspective provides a solid and expansive basis for holistic mission. Wright emphasizes throughout a holistic mission as the proper shape of Christian mission. God's mission is to reclaim the world--and that includes the created order--and God's people have a designated role to play in that mission.   Winner, 2007 Christianity Today Missions/Global Affairs Book

Part I The Bible and Mission 
1 Searching for a Missional Hermeneutic
2 Shaping a Missional Hermeneutic
Part II The God of Mission 
3 The Living God Makes Himself Known in Israel
4 The Living God Makes Himself Known in Jesus Christ
5 The Living God Confronts Idolatry
Part III The People of Mission 
6 God's Elect People: Chosen for Blessing
7 God's Particular People: Chosen for All
8 God's Model of Redemption: The Exodus 
9 God's Model of Restoration: The Jubilee
10 The Span of God's Missional Covenant
11 The Life of God's Missional People
Part IV The Arena of Mission 
12 Mission and God's Earth
13 Mission and God's Image
14 God and the Nations in Old Testament Vision
15 God and the Nations in New Testament Mission

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Book: Chistmas is not your birthday

Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season―Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration.

This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of the year. Instead, experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. In five short, engaging chapters, Pastor Mike Slaughter inspires readers to approach Christmas differently, and be transformed in the process. 

1.  Expect a Miracle 
2. Giving Up on Perfect
3. Scandalous Love 
4. Jesus’ Wish List
5. By a Different Road

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Yearly Devotion book: Time out with the Shepherd

Time out with the Shepherd is a book of Christian devotions, by Australian writers, for each day of the calendar year
Each meditation is a 'time-out' of about 3 minutes, and consists of a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage, and a short prayer. The meditation is based on the lectionary Bible reading for the day.
The devotion writers' thoughts are life-related and centred on the message of God's love for people shown in Jesus Christ. The devotions can be used for individuals, families and groups.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, listen as Jesus speaks to you

Outreach film: Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus DVD is a tool to help local churches with outreach. At a very low cost, congregations can distribute copies of the DVD as a calling card to invite people to their local church

Written and produced by an Emmy-winning team, this acclaimed film offers a dynamic new opportunity to reach people with the story of Jesus. Road to Emmaus follows the story of Jesus and two companions on the Sunday of the resurrection, as "...he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself." Created to reach the unchurched, the film is among the most widely used evangelism tools ever produced—a valuable tool your congregation can use this year.

Starring Bruce Marchiano ("Gospel of Matthew") Road to Emmaus follows the story of Luke 24:13-49 and imagines what the conversation between Jesus and the two disciples might have been. It builds from the actual stories and passages of the Bible (the writings of Moses and the prophets as well as the further explanations in the New Testament).

Also available free

  • 5-Session Bible Study
  • Discussion Guide
  • Questions for Reflection
Watch the video 

for more information and to buy copies visit

2017 Christmas and Advent resources

Advent and Christmas resources

Lutheran Church of Australia
Christmas worship resources including children's presentations,
Advent Year B
Grow Ministries and Grow Ministries Advent 

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Living our Baptism 5 gifts of discipleship
Essay:  The Advent wisdom project 
Bible Studies Advent
Bible Studies Christmas
Congregational Communication Tools
Daily Lectionary Advent
Daily Lectionary Christmas

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod resources including:
Banners, bulletins, stoles, wreaths and candles
Gifts, Bible studies, books, church supplies and music
FAQ - history of Advent and the meaning of the Advent wreath
FAQ - What date was Jesus born?
Who is Jesus?
Chapel Talks for Advent
Church Year: Sundays and Seasons
LCMS Lectionary
Good King Wenceslas (It’s all about Mercy)
Unwrapping the Gifts
Christmas Mourning
Advent Devotions
Advent Devotions Transforming this Christmas beyond our circumstances.
Advent Devotions in Spanish
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Christmas Collection on CD
Advent Chain and Christmas Ornaments
Advent Joy-A-Tude
The Advent Wreath Devotional
Christmas Wrappings, Devotional
Scripture Advent Chain Instructions
Christmas Ornaments (4) — Downloadable
One Extraordinary Night — Bible Study by Donna Pyle
No Stranger in the Manger — Bible Study by Donna Pyle
The Joy of Christmas Mustard Seeds Packet

Wisonsin Evangelical Lutheran Church
Article Too much Christmas
Article Traditions with a purpose
Teen Devotions 

Books, gifts and church resources
Augsburg Fortress
North West Publishing
Sola Publishing 
Australian Church Resources 

Includes readings, images, movies, commetaries, lectionary reflections, group studies, worship resources, prayer, hymns, resources for children and drama

Advent Devotions
Lutheran Hour Ministries free devotions for congregational distribution
Luther Seminary
Higher Things
Vibrant Faith - taking Advent Home 
previous years entries

Bible Society of Australia
Free resource: the really Good News of Christmas

Advent Candle Lighting resource

Books and Devotions

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Evangelism: Everyone His Witness

Every One His Witness is a Lutheran evangelism program that teaches you to witness to your friends, coworkers, and any other nonchurched people you may know.  Using the LASSIE approach to witnessing (listen, ask, seek, share, invite, and encourage), the Every One His Witness kit will help you to learn how to naturally share the Good News of Jesus Christ through relational, contextual witnessing.

What does this mean? 
It means listening to those who are unsure about Christianity. It means asking questions that aren’t accusatory. It means sharing the Good News about Jesus. Notice how there’s no bashing, no judgment, and no forced imposition of beliefs. Instead, there’s understanding, communication, and honesty between friends. And Every One His Witness teaches you how.

Every One His Witness is available from

What People are Saying about Every One His Witness

“Finally, a natural way to share your faith in the relationships where God has planted you as you care for others who have been broken by sin. I have already started to use this and am excited to share this resource with the people of my district.”  —Rev. Richard Snow, President, LCMS Nebraska District

“I appreciated the theologically sound Lutheran perspective of the E1HW program. The videos and our facilitator did a good job of demystifying conversations about our faith in Christ with neighbors, colleagues, and family members. It was a great encouragement to talk about Jesus Christ with anyone in an unforced, natural way.”  —Rev. Kris Morris, Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, Damascus, Oregon

“The Every One His Witness seminar and workbook provide valuable, practical tools on how to share Jesus’ story in the context of our daily vocations, showing how to develop relationships with family, neighbors, and coworkers whom we already know.”  —Bob Myers, Pensacola, Florida

For more information on LASSIE visit

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Book: Suddenly

“How different would life be if we all knew we were loved beyond our wildest imagination?”

Like all of us, Peter Steicke has experienced his share of life’s ‘suddenlies’. You know them: the unexpected and often unwelcome interruptions to life that are beyond our control. The challenge is, life’s ‘suddenlies’ often prevent us from living out of the love we already have.

This book is an intriguing set of narratives chronicling Peter’s journey deeper into the incredible love of the heavenly Father. Excellent life-related teaching expands on the stories in a way all readers will be able to connect with and apply in their lives. Through the stories and the teaching, you will learn what it is to live out of the fullness of God’s Father-heart, and develop a redeemed perspective on life—one that frees you to be a source of life to others.

Available from Your Booksonline

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Book: Paul and his Friends in leadership

The more we understand biblical characters like the apostle Paul in their concrete situations and in their own time, the more we will be able to apply biblical principles to today's church, its leaders and its mission-transforming and enriching the way we do church today. 
Paul and his Friends in Leadership examines the apostle Paul's critical relationships with key people, illustrating his humanity, faith, confidence in God and his leadership qualities. This novel approach, by an expert in the New Testament, will encourage us to reflect on leadership in the church today and will help us to see how significant authentic relationships are to our contemporary mission.  

1. Paul's greatness
2. Paul's life: a sketch
3. Paul's calling, his mission and his churches
4. Paul's mission to Cyprus and Galatia (AD47 - 48)
  • Barnabas, missionary leader
  • Paul's mission to the Aegean provinces (AD49 - 57)
  • Silvanus, missionary and translator
  • Timothy, Paul's leading fellow worker
  • Luke, beloved physician and author
  • Priscilla and Aquila, merchants
  • Stephanas, servant of the saints
  • Gaius, host of the church in Corinth
  • Apollos, passionate preacher
  • Erastus, high-ranking city official
  • Titus (part 1), Paul's ambassador
  • Epaphras, evangelist
  • Philemon, house-church leader
  • Onesimus, runaway slave
  • John Mark, author
  • The Asiarchs of Ephesus, leading citizens
  • Phoebe, patroness in Cenchreae
  • Aristarchus, travel companion
5. Paul's mission in Rome (AD57)
  • Andronicus and Junia, Paul's kin
  • Rufus, 'chosen in the Lord'

6. Paul's last years (AD60 - 65)
  • Epaphroditus, carer
  • Euodia and Syntyche, fellow workers
  • Titus (part 2), evangelist in Crete
  • Onesiphorus, earnest friend
7.  The origin of love in the writings of Paul
8.  The significance of Paul's mission friends

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Book: Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted: A Guide to Law and Gospel Preaching

A classic theology and a contemporary school of preaching come together in this new work. Glenn Monson, an active Lutheran preacher, has taken the substantial concerns of Law and Gospel theologians and combined them with the insights of the New Homiletic School to come up with a guide to sermon development that helps any preacher deliver Law and Gospel sermons in a contemporary way. The author leads the reader through a step-by-step process in thinking about Law and Gospel preaching from exegesis through sermon design to manuscript writing. Multiple examples from assigned lectionary texts are included, and several sermons are analyzed in detail. This book will be an invaluable friend of any lectionary preacher for whom Sunday is always coming and who longs to preach classic Law and Gospel sermons in a new and fresh way.
Law and Gospel thinking
Law and Gospel exegesis
Law and Gospel design
Law and Gospel manuscript design
Law and Gospel a methodology
Final thoughts

Friday, October 20, 2017

Book: What's in your bag? - Outcome based youth ministry

When David brought down Goliath, he did so with the full confidence of his faith in God and a skill he had developed over time. In his bag, he had what he knew how to use....a stone and a sling. With nothing more, God positioned and placed David at the right place and time, because David had both the faith and the skill necessary to take on the giant. 
What's in Your Bag? lays a foundation for the development of 30+ Faith Skills in young people; faith skills that will enable youth to live out their personal calling in life. 
Outcome-Based Youth Ministry fulfills the biblical mandate of church leaders found in Ephesians 4:12: To equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ. (NLT) It aids congregations and faith-based schools in the development of a long-term, results-oriented strategy for equipping young people with life-long ministry skills. Partnering with both parents and our church family, we impart Faith Skills that help youth to grow in their personal faith while also filling their bags with the necessary Faith Skills to serve and lead whenever a ministry moment arises. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Various versions of A mighty fortress is our God

The hymn a mighty fortress is the theme hymn of the Reformation and the Lutheran Church for many years.   Recently a number of musicians have taken on the challenge to produce different versions of this hymn.   Following are 20 versions of A mighty Fortress is our God.

Contemporary Versions

Heavy metal version

More traditional versions

Kid's versions

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Kids Play: Luther, the Reformation and some jokes

Luther, the Reformation and some jokes is a 12 minute play written by Hans Fiene intended for children to perfom. 
The script is available at

A book for teenagers relating to mental health and suicide

Mental illness and suicide are difficult topics to talk about, and with teenagers it is even more difficult, yet each year mental illness and suicide is affecting more and more people.  

What the dog saw, by Mark Worthing is written with adolscents and teens in mind.  It is the story of his own son as seen through the eyes of his dog of the long, slow tragedy of mental illness, and of suicide.  It is the story he wrote a year after his son's death to help his younger brother and sister to find away to remember their brother and talk about grief.

The book is a short book of 74 pages, with 44 easy to read chapters of 1 or 2 pages, each concluding with sentence to encourage reflection.   There are also suggestions on how the book could be used with children and teenagers.

Mark Worthing is a Lutheran pastor, lecturer and author living in Australia

Available in Australia from Australian Church Resources
Also available from Book Depository

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Theology of the cross - 10 books

The theology of the cross is the significant theology of the Christian and Lutheran church.  Following are 10 books relating to the Theology of the Cross

On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518 (Theology)  by Gerhard O. Forde
The book first clarifies the difference between a theology of glory and a theology of the cross and explains how each perspective shapes the very nature of being a theologian. The main body of the book provides commentary on the Heidelberg Disputation — the only complete analysis of this document currently available. Underlying Forde's exposition is the contention that one ought not speak of the theology of the cross as merely another item among a host of theological options; instead, one must pursue what it means to be a theologian of the cross and to look at all things through suffering and the cross.

Luther's Theology of the Cross: Martin Luther's Theological Breakthrough 

by Alister E. McGrath
Luther's Theology of the Cross represents a fully revised and updated edition of the classic 1985 text that expands on the author's ongoing research and reflects 25 years of Luther scholarship.
Draws on advances in our understanding of the late medieval intellectual, cultural, and religious background of Luther's early development, and the nature of Luther's doctrine of justification (including the so-called 'Finnish' school), many of which have not yet been incorporated into Luther scholarship
Luther's 'theological breakthrough' continues to be of central importance to Reformation Studies and the development of Protestantism

Written by one of the world's leading Protestant theologians, who is an authority on the development of the doctrine of justification. His classic work Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification is now in its third edition (2005)

Luther's Augustinian Theology of the Cross: The Augustinianism of Martin Luther's Heidelberg Disputation and the Origins of Modern Philosophy of Religion by Marco Barone (Author), David J. Engelsma (Foreword)
"These theological paradoxes ... have been deduced well or poorly from St. Paul, the especially chosen vessel and instrument of Christ, and also from St. Augustine, his most trustworthy interpreter." These are some of Martin Luther's words that introduce his Heidelberg Disputation (1518), a collection of doctrinal theses that serves as a manifesto of Luther's theology. The German Reformer claimed that his theses were a faithful exposition not only of Pauline theology, but also of Augustine's doctrine of salvation. Luther's Augustinian Theology of the Cross is an unprecedented commentary of Luther's Heidelberg Disputation. Through a wide range of Augustinian texts, the author shows the accuracy of Luther's claim. Moreover, the work offers some original considerations that are of interest to both theology and philosophy. In the year of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this volume is a lively and stimulating addition to the debate about the relationship between Augustine's soteriology and the theology of the Reformation.

The Theology of the Cross in Historical Perspective by Anna M. Madsen
The theology of the cross is indisputably a trendy concept today. Numerous seminars, books, and dissertations tackle the topic. But The Theology of the Cross in Historical Perspective demonstrates that theology of the cross is no passing fancy. Theologies of the cross appear at the beginnings of the church, in the sixteenth-century reformations of the church, and in the more contemporary modernization of the church. Without theologies of the cross, what the church is called to be and to preach becomes unclear. So then, what is the theology of the cross?
Anna Madsen surveys the theology of the cross in the thinking of Paul and Luther. She also outlines several important twentieth-century contributions to the subject. On the basis of her analysis, Madsen suggests that the theology of the cross reveals God to be found even in death. In death, after all, boundaries disappear. The theology of the cross assures Christians that God is present in the death of sin and in the realities of suffering and uncertainty. Given that it announces God's presence, the theology of the cross is ultimately a theology of grace, freedom, and trust. 

The Theology of the Cross: Reflections on His Cross and Ours by Daniel M. Deutschlander  (Author), Curtis A. Jahn (Editor), Design Pics (Illustrator)
The Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ is the true center of our salvation. Through a deep and compelling examination of Scripture, the author demonstrates that without Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, we would be lost. However, because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we now have the promise of eternal life in heaven with him. This book also reminds us that since Christ first loved us in this way, it is now our joy to take up our own crosses daily and follow him.

Cross in Tensions: Luther's Theology of the Cross as Theologico-social Critique by Philip Ruge-Jones  (Author)
Luther's theology of the cross is a direct critique of oppressive power relationships in his day. Luther's early thought challenges specific economic, political, social, ideological, and religious power dynamics; the cross confronts those who enjoy power, prestige, pomp, and profits at the expense of the poor. Ruge-Jones maps the power relationships that Luther's theology addressed and then turns to specific works that challenge established structures of his world. Luther's Latin texts undermine the ideological assumptions and presumptions that bolstered an opulent church and empire. Luther uses the cross of Christ to challenge what he called volatilem cogitatum, "knowledge that is prone to violence." His German writings (directed to a broader, more popular audience) focus this critique of human pretensions into an attack on systems of wealth, status, and power that refuse to look with compassion upon poor Mary, or upon the many domestic servants of Germany. God has respected the ones whom the world disrespects and has thus entered the world to turn it upside down. Also in the German writings, the Lord's Supper calls the powerful to enter into solidarity with the poor--suffering people to whom Christ has given himself. Finally, in his popular pamphlets, visual images show with graphic specificity that throughout his life Christ sought out solidarity with the least. These images contrast brutally with images of a church that has sold its soul to wealth, political influence, military power, and status.

What Has Wittenberg to Do with Azusa?: Luther's Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism by David J. Courey (Author)
Global Pentecostalism is a twenty-first century phenomenon. Yet in North America, where the movement was born, it has stalled. Courey uncovers the cause of this plateau in the triumphalism that is characteristic of both North American Protestantism and Pentecostalism. Through the identification of parallels between Martin Luther and contemporary Pentecostals, Courey detects in Luther's Theology of the Cross a potent remedy for this tension. Utilising this insight, Courey reflects on other faith traditions, and provides a counterpoint to the triumphalism that inhibits the development of Pentecostalism in North America and around the world. 

This work comprises of three parts. The first is historical, charting the antecedents and development of Pentecostal triumphalism. The second is an experiment in historical theology, seeking basic resonances between Luther and early Pentecostals, and examining the Theology of the Cross as a means of probing Pentecostalism. The final section is an effort in constructive theology, applying the theologia crucis to some of the central aspects of Pentecostalism.

Theology of the Cross for the 21st Century by Authors Various (Author), Alberto L. Garcia  (Editor), A. R. Victor Raj (Editor)
This book is a collection of essays that explore the significance of Martin Luther's theology of the cross within the context of the various world religions and philosophies. Each contributor describes and interprets this distinctive Lutheran understanding of grace with the worldview of a major tradition or system. The writing is scholarly, yet accessible for the discerning lay reader. Readers develop a renewed appreciation for the richness of the cross and the ways Luther's insights speak to different contexts.

Pastoral Care Under the Cross: God in the midst of suffering by Richard C. Eyer (Author)
Pastoral Care Under the Cross points to the cross as the paradigm for pastoral care when counseling suffering people. This book offers insight that is useful not only for pastors but also Christian counselors, chaplains, nurses, doctors, and social workers who interact with the elderly, dying, mourning, mentally ill, or depressed.

Theology of the Cross:  The death of Jesus in the Pauline letters by Charles B Cousar  (Author)
In Paul's epistles the crucifixion story reveals a God who is free and in no way bound by human categories or expectations. Yet God in Christ chooses to be engaged in the very depths of the human predicament. The message of the crucifixion is that God's power is manifested in weakness, not in strength. The author believes that this "weakness as strength" should be the focal point of the church's identity. However, a celebration of weakness is in complete opposition to traditional American beliefs in personal strength and a powerful church.

Monday, October 09, 2017

Guidance and hope in times of congregational transition

Change is a normal part of life for individuals, families and congregations. This resource is offered
by Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ to provide assistance during this time. Change can
create anxiety but also tremendous opportunities for growth. Make certain to spend time in prayer for the ministry and mission of your church as you walk through the days of transition.

Gudiance and hope in times of congregational transition is available here

Table of contents

Australian Christian Diary

2018 Australian Christian Diary has all the original and faithful features of past years and is produced with the Australian Christian pastor, layperson and church worker in mind.


  • Clean quality white paper for easy writing 
  • DL Pocket size
  • Durable blue vinyl cover (insert for holding notes & cards etc)
  • Bible reading suggestion for each day 
  • 3 year lectionary bible readings 
  • Church Year Festivals 
  • Australian holidays & school terms 
  • Week to an opening 
  • 3 year calendar

Cost $12.00 Australian

Order from Australian Church Resources

Studylight - resources for ministry

Studylight web page offers free online access to the following resources to help you in ministry:

  • Commentaries  (107 total)
  • Concordances  (6 total)
  • Dictionaries  (27 total)
  • Encyclopedias  (8 total)
  • Original language tools (4 total)
  • Historical writings (BC, AD and Denominational)
  • The Illustration Archive
  • The Quotation Archive
  • Sunday story Bulletin Inserts
  • DorĂ© Illustrations
  • Bible reading plans
  • Devotions
  • Bible Maps
To discover these resources visit

Sunday School lessons

Sunday school lessons are free lessons prepared by Lutherans.  

Sunday School Lessons aim to joyfully shares the wonders of learning about God through a weekly
Family Bible Study that includes art projects, music, lessons (and parables) and stories about the people of the Bible, prayers, and lots of answers to frequently asked questions.

The lessons are presented in a circular system, flowing around and through the Church Year Calendar.
They follow the Seasons of the Church Year, based on the Revised Common Lectionary.

There is a Text Index and a Subject Index and a Reference and Resources section as well as an Art Index.

There is also a special section for Confirmation Instruction.

For times of trouble, they offer a Prayer of New Beginnings, and a Healing Service for Children.

There is also a  Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve and the reading of the Psalms for Holy Week

To discover more visit

Lecture: Application in the preaching of grace

Application in the preaching of grace is the 2016 AA Pedderson lectureship at Luther Brethren Seminary
There are 2 sessions and a chapel service

The lecture is by Dr. Bryan Chapell who is the Senior Pastor of the historic Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL and President Emeritus of Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. 
Dr. Chapell is a preacher, teacher, and speaker, and the author of many books, including Each for the Other, Holiness by Grace, Praying Backwards, The Gospel According to Daniel, The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach, and Christ-Centered Preaching.  

You can view the lectures at

Book of Ministerial Acts from Church of the Lutheran Brethren

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren's Bookd of Ministerial Acts is available as a pdf at

Table of contents
The Creeds of the Christian Church

Baptism of Infants—First Setting 
Baptism of Infants—Second Setting 
Baptism of Older Children 
Baptism of Adults
Emergency Baptism
Private Baptism 

Service of Holy Communion 
Private Communion


Service of Marriage
Preface to the Marriage Ceremony When There  Has Been a Divorce—First Setting
Preface to the Marriage Ceremony When There  Has Been a Divorce—Second Setting
Preface to the Marriage Ceremony When There  Has Been a Divorce—Third Setting

Burial of the Dead 
Funeral Service
Scripture Readings
Committal Service—First Setting
Committal Service—Second Setting

Anointing the Sick
Reception of New Members

Ordination, Installation, Commissioning
Ordination of a Pastor
Installation of a Pastor
Ordination and Installation of Elders
Installation of Deacons/Deaconesses
Installation of Church Officers
Installation of Sunday School Teachers 


Cornerstone Laying

Service of Dedication for a Church

Mortgage Burning

Service of Dedication for a Home

Service of Dedication for a Ship or Boat

Church Discipline

Reinstatement of Membership
Restoration Service for a Pastor

Pericope Texts 
Series A 
Series B 
Series C

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

5 minutes of church history - October=Luther month

In October 2017 gain 31 segments of Church History focussed on Luther from 5 minutes in Church History hosted by Dr Stephen Nichols.

5 Minutes in Church History, hosted by Dr. Stephen Nichols, is a weekly podcast that provides an informal and informative look at church history. Join us each week as we take a brief break from the present to go exploring the past. Travel back in time as we look at the people, events, and even the places that have shaped the story of Christianity. Each podcast offers an easily digestible glimpse of how the eternal, unchangeable God has worked in the church over prior generations, and how this can encourage us today. This is our story—our family history. 5 Minutes in Church History is an outreach of Ligonier Ministries.

Available at

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Book: A simplified guide to worshipping as Lutherans

A simplified guide to worshipping as Lutherans is prepared for lay people, congregational leaders, pastors, church musicians, worship leaders, and worship committees. It provides an answer for those who are asking the question: What does it mean to worship as a Lutheran in the twenty-first century?
Written in and for 2009 James Waddel aims to provide lay people and pastors with a clear and understandable presentation of Lutheran theology for Lutheran worship, especially amongst the range of differing and confusing opinions.    
James also aims to help those involved in contemporary Lutheran worship by providing positive direction and equip worship leaders and pastors with concrete practical tools to evaluate contemporary worship forms.  

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Pastor’s Story
Chapter 2: The State of the Conversation about Worship Today
Chapter 3: What Is Worship?
Chapter 4: Lutheran Assumptions about Worship
Chapter 5: More about Assumptions and Methodology
Chapter 6: Worship As Adiaphora
Chapter 7: Worship As Confession
Chapter 8: Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Chapter 9: Worship and Culture
Appendix 1: An Outline for Worshiping As Lutherans
Appendix 2: A Tool to Evaluate Songs for Worshiping As Lutherans