Friday, October 20, 2017

Book: What's in your bag? - Outcome based youth ministry

When David brought down Goliath, he did so with the full confidence of his faith in God and a skill he had developed over time. In his bag, he had what he knew how to use....a stone and a sling. With nothing more, God positioned and placed David at the right place and time, because David had both the faith and the skill necessary to take on the giant. 
What's in Your Bag? lays a foundation for the development of 30+ Faith Skills in young people; faith skills that will enable youth to live out their personal calling in life. 
Outcome-Based Youth Ministry fulfills the biblical mandate of church leaders found in Ephesians 4:12: To equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ. (NLT) It aids congregations and faith-based schools in the development of a long-term, results-oriented strategy for equipping young people with life-long ministry skills. Partnering with both parents and our church family, we impart Faith Skills that help youth to grow in their personal faith while also filling their bags with the necessary Faith Skills to serve and lead whenever a ministry moment arises. 

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