Saturday, September 30, 2017

Book: A simplified guide to worshipping as Lutherans

A simplified guide to worshipping as Lutherans is prepared for lay people, congregational leaders, pastors, church musicians, worship leaders, and worship committees. It provides an answer for those who are asking the question: What does it mean to worship as a Lutheran in the twenty-first century?
Written in and for 2009 James Waddel aims to provide lay people and pastors with a clear and understandable presentation of Lutheran theology for Lutheran worship, especially amongst the range of differing and confusing opinions.    
James also aims to help those involved in contemporary Lutheran worship by providing positive direction and equip worship leaders and pastors with concrete practical tools to evaluate contemporary worship forms.  

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Pastor’s Story
Chapter 2: The State of the Conversation about Worship Today
Chapter 3: What Is Worship?
Chapter 4: Lutheran Assumptions about Worship
Chapter 5: More about Assumptions and Methodology
Chapter 6: Worship As Adiaphora
Chapter 7: Worship As Confession
Chapter 8: Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Chapter 9: Worship and Culture
Appendix 1: An Outline for Worshiping As Lutherans
Appendix 2: A Tool to Evaluate Songs for Worshiping As Lutherans

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