Thursday, November 09, 2017

2017 Christmas and Advent resources

Advent and Christmas resources

Lutheran Church of Australia
Christmas worship resources including children's presentations,
Advent Year B
Grow Ministries and Grow Ministries Advent 

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Living our Baptism 5 gifts of discipleship
Essay:  The Advent wisdom project 
Bible Studies Advent
Bible Studies Christmas
Congregational Communication Tools
Daily Lectionary Advent
Daily Lectionary Christmas

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod resources including:
Banners, bulletins, stoles, wreaths and candles
Gifts, Bible studies, books, church supplies and music
FAQ - history of Advent and the meaning of the Advent wreath
FAQ - What date was Jesus born?
Who is Jesus?
Chapel Talks for Advent
Church Year: Sundays and Seasons
LCMS Lectionary
Good King Wenceslas (It’s all about Mercy)
Unwrapping the Gifts
Christmas Mourning
Advent Devotions
Advent Devotions Transforming this Christmas beyond our circumstances.
Advent Devotions in Spanish
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Christmas Collection on CD
Advent Chain and Christmas Ornaments
Advent Joy-A-Tude
The Advent Wreath Devotional
Christmas Wrappings, Devotional
Scripture Advent Chain Instructions
Christmas Ornaments (4) — Downloadable
One Extraordinary Night — Bible Study by Donna Pyle
No Stranger in the Manger — Bible Study by Donna Pyle
The Joy of Christmas Mustard Seeds Packet

Wisonsin Evangelical Lutheran Church
Article Too much Christmas
Article Traditions with a purpose
Teen Devotions 

Books, gifts and church resources
Augsburg Fortress
North West Publishing
Sola Publishing 
Australian Church Resources 

Includes readings, images, movies, commetaries, lectionary reflections, group studies, worship resources, prayer, hymns, resources for children and drama

Advent Devotions
Lutheran Hour Ministries free devotions for congregational distribution
Luther Seminary
Higher Things
Vibrant Faith - taking Advent Home 
previous years entries

Bible Society of Australia
Free resource: the really Good News of Christmas

Advent Candle Lighting resource

Books and Devotions

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