Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sanctification: resources from Just and Sinner

Just and Sinner offer the following discussion and resources relating to sanctification:

  • PCR Conference Interview on Boars in the Vineyard
  • “The Restoration of the Divine Image Through Christ” ~ A Sermon by C. F. W. Walther on Mark 7:31-37
  • “Man’s Working Together With God After Conversion” 
  • Sermon from Dr. Curtis Leins at the AALC National Convention
  • Equipping the Saints: A Study by Rev. Richard Shields
  • Sanctification in Conrad Lindberg’s “Christian Dogmatics”
  • What exactly is the problem with Gerhard Forde and the “Radical Lutherans”
  • What are the Two Kinds of Righteousness?
  • Francis Pieper’s Doctrine of Sanctification and Good Works
  • Sanctification as Progressive in Lutheran Orthodoxy
  • Characteristics of Lutheran Antinomianism
  • Luther on the Necessity of Preaching Sanctification
  • Forde’s Article: “The Lutheran View of Sanctification”
  • Progressive Sanctification: A Pauline Doctrines
  • Sanctification in the Formula of Concord
  • Progressive Sanctification: A Lutheran Doctrine
  • The Priority of Justification over Sanctification
  • Lutherans Deny the Third Use of the Law?
  • A Response to Kevin DeYoung and Rick Philipps on Sanctification
  • Why Should Christians Perform Good Works?

Visit Just and Sinner at

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Article: How to tell a GREAT story

We tell stories to our coworkers and peers all the time — to persuade someone to support our project, to explain to an employee how he might improve, or to inspire a team that is facing challenges. It’s an essential skill, but what makes a compelling story in a business context? And how can you improve your ability to tell stories that persuade?

What the Experts Say
In our information-saturated age, business leaders “won’t be heard unless they’re telling stories,” says Nick Morgan, author of Power Cues and president and founder of Public Words, a communications consulting firm. “Facts and figures and all the rational things that we think are important in the business world actually don’t stick in our minds at all,” he says. But stories create “sticky” memories by attaching emotions to things that happen. That means leaders who can create and share good stories have a powerful advantage over others. And fortunately, everyone has the ability to become a better storyteller. “We are programmed through our evolutionary biology to be both consumers and creators of story,” says Jonah Sachs, CEO of Free Range Studios and author of Winning the Story Wars. “It certainly can be taught and learned.”

Read the article to discover how to tell a great

My Life Issues - a Lutheran biblical response

My Life Issues are Lutheran Biblical responses to many of the issues we face throughout life, compiled by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.     Some of the issues discussed include:

  • FEAR
  • MEN

Searchable Data Base of Lutheran Hymns

The DbLH, Database of Lutheran Hymns is a not-for-profit web resource with the primary purpose of research for the church. It is being made available at no charge with no profit that servants of the church may use it to benefit them in researching hymns as well as putting together worship services for the glory of the Lord.
This resource contains the title, number, scripture, and tune data of the hymnals of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. It has been designed so that you can search through this information to find the right hymn. In the future, it is planned to have all the authorship credits, copyright data, as well as full texts of the hymn stanzas in this database. However, getting that data electronically and into this database takes an enormous amount of time.

The hymnals included in this database are the following:
Lutheran Service Book (LSB) [2006]
Hymnal Supplement '98 (HS98) [1998]
Lutheran Worship (LW) [1982]
The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) [1941]

To discover more or use the searchable data base visit

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Article: What does worship mean?

Frank Hart is the frontman for Atomic Opera, a solo artist, worship leader for CrossPoint Church (a LCMS sacramental church plant), creative director, public speaker and record producer draws our attention to the fact that worship is more than singing....and really about how we relate to God!!!

Read the article at

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Article: How to love people you don't like

Caroline Carver in Relevant Magazine writes
I was once working with a wise woman teaching a Bible study and she told a story of a relative in a tough situation. This relative was having conflict with someone in her family, and although this individual appeared to be a victim in the situation, whenever someone asked her about her feelings toward her family member she said these five simple words, “I have chosen to love.”
Those words struck me years ago and continue to resurface in my heart whenever I am faced with the obstacle of loving people who are hard to love. We all have different individuals in our lives, some perpetually difficult and others that surround us just for a season, that take a special kind of effort for us to show generosity, kindness, thoughtfulness and of course, love.
Whether it is a negative coworker, an exhausting friendship or a challenging family member, there are times when we just want to give up on people and feel as though all our love and patience has run out. I believe in these instances and circumstances we need to be reminded of the truth, of the reality that we have access to a love that is always abounding, always giving, always selfless, always real and true.
Our ability to love is a heart issue, and there are specific things we need to examine and be reminded of when we’re having a hard time loving the people around us:

Discover the 4 questions we need to ask when faced with loving someone we don't

Narrative Lectionary

The Narrative Lectionary is a four-year cycle of readings. On the Sundays from September through May each year the texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church.
The texts show the breadth and variety of voices within Scripture. They invite people to hear the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus, and Paul. Listening to the many different voices within Scripture enriches preaching and the life of faith.

Resources for Narrative Lectionary
Background resources
Watch a video of Craig Koester introducing the Narrative Lectionary
Working Preacher
Narrative Lectionary Workday video
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Elizabeth City North Caroline
Christian Century Article - Why I am trying the Narrative Lectionary

Resources for Weekly Worship and Church Life

The 4 year readings
Facebook group-Narrative Lectionary
Google Group - Narrative Lectionary
Working Preacher weekly commentary
Friendship Presbyterian Church commentary, liturgy and sermons
RevGalBlogPals Narrative Lectionary commentaries
Worship Resources from Reflectionary
Clergy Stuff Narrative Lectionary Resources
Spill the Beans worship and learning resources
Darkwood Brew
2014-15 Hymn suggestions
Word to Worship Contemporary Song Selections

Sunday School resources - Spirit and Truth

Daily Devotions from Living in God's Story

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Video: Two scariest lies in our world - Francis Chan

Francis Chan shares a short message about two common lies many people today fall for that give them a false understanding of God....