Thursday, September 18, 2014

Searchable Data Base of Lutheran Hymns

The DbLH, Database of Lutheran Hymns is a not-for-profit web resource with the primary purpose of research for the church. It is being made available at no charge with no profit that servants of the church may use it to benefit them in researching hymns as well as putting together worship services for the glory of the Lord.
This resource contains the title, number, scripture, and tune data of the hymnals of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. It has been designed so that you can search through this information to find the right hymn. In the future, it is planned to have all the authorship credits, copyright data, as well as full texts of the hymn stanzas in this database. However, getting that data electronically and into this database takes an enormous amount of time.

The hymnals included in this database are the following:
Lutheran Service Book (LSB) [2006]
Hymnal Supplement '98 (HS98) [1998]
Lutheran Worship (LW) [1982]
The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) [1941]

To discover more or use the searchable data base visit

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