Thursday, September 11, 2014

Article: How to love people you don't like

Caroline Carver in Relevant Magazine writes
I was once working with a wise woman teaching a Bible study and she told a story of a relative in a tough situation. This relative was having conflict with someone in her family, and although this individual appeared to be a victim in the situation, whenever someone asked her about her feelings toward her family member she said these five simple words, “I have chosen to love.”
Those words struck me years ago and continue to resurface in my heart whenever I am faced with the obstacle of loving people who are hard to love. We all have different individuals in our lives, some perpetually difficult and others that surround us just for a season, that take a special kind of effort for us to show generosity, kindness, thoughtfulness and of course, love.
Whether it is a negative coworker, an exhausting friendship or a challenging family member, there are times when we just want to give up on people and feel as though all our love and patience has run out. I believe in these instances and circumstances we need to be reminded of the truth, of the reality that we have access to a love that is always abounding, always giving, always selfless, always real and true.
Our ability to love is a heart issue, and there are specific things we need to examine and be reminded of when we’re having a hard time loving the people around us:

Discover the 4 questions we need to ask when faced with loving someone we don't

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