Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sanctification: resources from Just and Sinner

Just and Sinner offer the following discussion and resources relating to sanctification:

  • PCR Conference Interview on Boars in the Vineyard
  • “The Restoration of the Divine Image Through Christ” ~ A Sermon by C. F. W. Walther on Mark 7:31-37
  • “Man’s Working Together With God After Conversion” 
  • Sermon from Dr. Curtis Leins at the AALC National Convention
  • Equipping the Saints: A Study by Rev. Richard Shields
  • Sanctification in Conrad Lindberg’s “Christian Dogmatics”
  • What exactly is the problem with Gerhard Forde and the “Radical Lutherans”
  • What are the Two Kinds of Righteousness?
  • Francis Pieper’s Doctrine of Sanctification and Good Works
  • Sanctification as Progressive in Lutheran Orthodoxy
  • Characteristics of Lutheran Antinomianism
  • Luther on the Necessity of Preaching Sanctification
  • Forde’s Article: “The Lutheran View of Sanctification”
  • Progressive Sanctification: A Pauline Doctrines
  • Sanctification in the Formula of Concord
  • Progressive Sanctification: A Lutheran Doctrine
  • The Priority of Justification over Sanctification
  • Lutherans Deny the Third Use of the Law?
  • A Response to Kevin DeYoung and Rick Philipps on Sanctification
  • Why Should Christians Perform Good Works?

Visit Just and Sinner at

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