Friday, May 31, 2013

Book: There is no God or is there?

Is there a God? Does the chaos in the world or in your life make you wonder? Do scientific discoveries and reasoning make you doubt?

How can there be a God when the world seems out of control and when religion seems to serve up more pain than promise?

You're invited to ponder your doubts and to confront the question of god's existence as you take a journey with two grandfathers. The story starts with a murder. It keeps going because of a miracle.

In "There is No God, Or is There?" Michael Newman recounts the tale of his two grandfathers and how the events of their lives led him to wrestle with the biggest questions of human existence. This 110-page book contains discussion questions after each chapter. It will take you on a journey you will never forget. It may even change your life.

Reflection: Flying with Herb - love not fear

Michael Newman a mission director/facilitator with teh Lutheran Church Missouri Synod regulaly writes a reflection piece.   In His reflection piece Flyign with Herb he reminds us of the importance of love over fear to read Flyign with Herb visit

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Book: Christianity's dangerous idea

The radical idea that individuals could interpret the Bible for themselves spawned a revolution that is still being played out on the world stage today. This innovation lies at the heart of Protestantism''s remarkable instability and adaptability. World-renowned scholar Alister McGrath sheds new light on the fascinating figures and movements that continue to inspire debate and division across the full spectrum of Protestant churches and communities worldwide.

The Gathering Storm 
The Accidental Revolutionary - Martin Luther
Alternatives to Luther - The Diversification of the Reformation
The Shift in Power - Calvin and Geneva
England - The Emergence of Anglicanism
War, Peace, and Disinterest - European Protestantism in Crisis, 1560–1800
Protestantism in America 

The Nineteenth Century - The Global Expansion of Protestantism
The Bible and Protestantism
Believing and Belonging - Some Distinctive Protestant Beliefs
The Structures of Faith - Organization, Worship, and Preaching
Protestantism and the Shaping of Western Culture
Protestantism, the Arts, and the Natural Sciences

The Changing Shape of American Protestantism
Tongues of Fire - The Pentecostal Revolution in Protestantism
The New Frontiers of Protestantism
The Global South
The Next Generation

book review available here
synopsis available here
ebook available here

Conference: Australian Conference on Lutheran Education

Australian College on Lutheran Education 
Wise Up! - Transforming Mind, Body and Heart in Lutheran Education
30th September to 2nd October 2013

Approximately every four years Lutheran Education Australia and the respective regions organise a major conference to celebrate Lutheran Education in Australia.  This conference is named ACLE, Australian Conference on Lutheran Education.  The 2013 conference will be held in Brisbane on the 30th September to 2nd October 2013.  The ACLE4 conference theme is Wise Up!  Transforming Mind, Body and Heart in Lutheran Education.

The theme takes up the work of the Lutheran church and its schools in providing the wisdom of God for the development of the whole of life for young people.  Education in a Lutheran school is a transformational activity that engages all aspects of the human experience.  The getting of this wisdom requires forward thinking, to address how the traditions passed onto us may be reformed into new ways of engaging learners.

During the conference there will be presentations and opprtunities to collaborate with expert contemporary thinkers as well as participate in numerous fellowship activities with like-minded professionals across Lutheran Schools in Australia and other countries.  Most of the conference will be held in the state-of-the-art Brisbane Convention Centre in one of Australia's beautiful cities, Brisbane.

Bishop Munib Younan is a co-founder of the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land.
(Live Online Video Presentation & Event) Alan November is an international leader in education technology.
A member of the National Values Education Project Advisory Committee, Dr Nielsen has served in several of the Australian Government values education projects. 
Rev John Henderson was installed as Principal of Australian Lutheran College in February 2009. Prior to this, John was the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia from January 2002 until December 2008. 
Ewan McIntosh is a teacher, speaker and investor, regarded as one of Europe’s foremost experts in digital media for public services. 
Kari Sutton is a Licensee for The Happiness Institute based in Queensland. Kari is an experienced facilitator in positive psychology, wellbeing, communication and teamwork 

Paul Holland is Managing Director and Principal Consultant of Creativity Well, a new company established to provide services to the creative industries, particularly in the areas of management and business development.

For more information and to register visit

Confernence: Kierkegaaard in the world

“Kierkegaard in the World” celebrates the 200th anniversary of Kierkegaard’s birth by examining the ways in which the world figures in his thought, and the ways in which his thought has entered the world.

Kierkegaard’s work is rightly seen as a corrective of “worldliness,” but he is equally attuned to the necessity that the life of faith appear in the world (not in monastic retreat from it). This conference aims to explore how worldly life is transformed by Kierkegaard’s insights. How does the Kierkegaardian subject appear in the world? What about the incognito: Is it a form of strict invisibility or does its counter-worldliness paradoxically show up in the world? Kierkegaard is a thinker of transcendence, but is there a Kierkegaardian theory of immanence? The priority of subjective truth is obvious in Kierkegaard’s philosophy, but what of his theory of objective truth? How would subjective truth make its way in the world? How would it be embodied or transmitted? What implications does Kierkegaard’s thought have for political orders, cultural artefacts, communicative strategies, or the founding and perpetuation of traditions? How might Kierkegaard’s work intersect with various world religions? And how has Kierkegaard’s own thinking been translated, transmitted, and given expression in contexts across time and space?

Keynote Speakers
C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)
Kevin Hart (University of Virginia/Australian Catholic University)
Daphne Hampson (Oxford University)
Charles Guignon (University of South Florida)
John Lippitt (University of Hertfordshire)

16th to 18th August 2013

All conference events on Friday, August 16, will be held at Catholic Theological College, 278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Australia.
All conference events on Saturday, August 17, and Sunday, August 18, will be held at Australian Catholic University, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Church to visit: ichurch (Immanuel Buderim Lutheran Church)

Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim

To be a growing community of Christ in response to God’s love.

Vision Of The Future
Uniting generations and cultures,
Pursuing fully alive relationships,
Free in fearless faith,
Reaching out, walking with, and serving,
As Christ serves us!

Five Core Values
Jesus is Lord. -“He is the image of the invisible God.” (Col 1:15)
Everyone is Welcome  - “Because God has no favourites!” (Acts 10:34b)
Love Changes People - “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.” (1 John 4:16)
Everyone Has Something to Offer - “We all have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” (Rom 12:6)
Everyone Needs Jesus - “God so loved the world…” (Jn 3:16)

On their web site you will find:

  • Information about Baptism
  • Information about Marriage
  • Details of upcoming events
  • Information to hep children connect and grow in faith
  • Bible available in mp3
  • Planning your funeral
  • Bible Study tools
  • Life transforming groups
  • Team covenants
  • How to serve Holy Communion
  • How to lead prayer
  • Information about Groups
  • plus more
Visit their web site here

Also visit their pastor's site: for sermons, confessions and bible studies

Book: Reclaiming the Great Commission

Reclaiming the Great Commission:  a practical guide for transforming denominations and congregations..describes a biblically based model that can restore the missionary power of first-century Christianity to twenty-first century denominations and their congregations. Based on shared vision and mission, the model can guide the members of any congregation or denomination into deeper and broader evangelism, an enhanced experience of community, and a renewed hope of personal and spiritual transformation.

What others are saying about Reclaiming the Great Commission
Imagine your congregation transformed. Imagine it as a place of profound community, of spiritual growth, of miraculous expectation, and of personal transformation. Imagine it with other congregations as part of one church living the Great Commission to make disciples and the Great Commandment to love, a place in which faithful pilgrims journey together with a shared vision that leads them to embrace the unchurched and each other and, in the process, to find immense fulfillment and meaning for their lives.
Imagine this congregation, and then bring it into being. Reclaiming the Great Commission describes a biblically based model that can restore the missionary power of first-century Christianity to twenty-first century denominations and their congregations. Based on shared vision and mission, the model can guide the members of any congregation or denomination into deeper and broader evangelism, an enhanced experience of community, and a renewed hope of personal and spiritual transformation.
Developed and implemented in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, the model has significantly increased attendance, baptisms, and stewardship in the five years since its implementation. It has led to greater lay participation, stronger support for outreach programs, and an increased awareness of the miraculous. It has made the Church more relevant to the unchurched and more meaningful to its members. It has changed the lives of the faithful, fortifying their commitment to discipleship, deepening their faith, and strengthening their experience of the Gospel even as it has brought in new disciples and touched the spiritually hungry.
Reclaiming the Great Commission describes a model that capitalizes on the strengths of the denominations and offers hope for their renewal and growth. It provides a vision of denominational transformation and a case study that describes how that vision came to be lived by the members of the Diocese of Texas. It is for judicatory and denominational leaders, clergy and congregational lay leaders, and others who wish to reclaim the power of first-century Christianity for the contemporary Church and its members. Imagine your congregation transformed. And then discover how to do it in this inspiring book.
A Powerful Way to Transform Denominations and Congregations into Communities of Miraculous Expectation and Spiritual Transformation
"A model for all Christian uncomplicated and doable plan of evangelization that can revitalize listless and moribund congregations." —The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, Bishop of Galveston-Houston, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops

"Reclaiming the Great Commission offers a message of hope and a plan of action for those who are concerned about the future of the Church. It chronicles the success of a biblically based vision of mission and community that has the potential to bring about the much-needed transformation of all churches at all levels. An inspiring and important read for clergy and laity alike." —The Most Reverend and Right Honorable George L. Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury

"This is a truly important book. Those who want to transform their mainline congregations and denominations from maintenance to mission will find a game plan concrete enough to implement. Passionately argued, solidly grounded, battle-tested in real life-here's real cause for hope!" —Bob Buford, founding chairman, Leadership Network

"Comprehensive and compelling.... I highly recommend this as a resource for those striving to build up the Body of Christ." —Frank T. Griswold, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church

"Which is the higher priority-taking care of today's members or reaching the unchurched? If you choose the second, this book explains how your denominational regional judicatory can be transformed to make that happen." —Lyle E. Schaller, parish consultant

"The Episcopal Diocese of Texas has done a 180! Attendance, membership, giving, and mission are all on the upswing. What is proposed in this book is not a new paint job but a major renovation that is remarkably aligned with the first-century church. —The Rev. Dr. David G. McKechnie, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Houston

"An inspiring gift.... The exciting expectations described in this book have given me a new sense of hope." —Bishop John Wesley Hardt, Bishop-in-Residence, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

Other resources
Reflection and Questions...ELCA Eastern Washington Idaho Synod
Study Guide  ELCA Eastern Washington Idaho Synod

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Evangelism Discussion: Being open about your faith

Recently Gary Ablett, arguably one of Australia's best footballers put the following photo on twitter 
Beside the photo appeared the verse from 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,  do it all for the glory of God...
Something to think and discuss....
How can you help others know you are a Christian?
What does it mean to do whatever you do for the glory of God?

Mentoring Resources - John Mallison

Whenever  I am in a discussion about Christian mentoring, the name John Mallison always comes up...
John Mallison's resources appear to have stood the test of time. 

In his book Mentoring to develop disciples and leader, John aims to:

  • To show that mentoring is not an optional extra, if followers of Christ are to mature and fulfil God's purpose for them.
  • To encourage every follower of Christ to take an interest in another's personal and spiritual growth (to 'watch over one another in love'). Mentoring others is not reserved for the giants of the faith!
  • To emphasise that the foundation for effective Christian mentoring is a vital, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • To give a clear understanding of the various dimensions of mentoring and what is involved.
  • To explain that mentoring can be done with varying degrees of intensity from a close friendship to a professional relationship, occasional wise words of encouragement and guidance to well-structures, regular meetings.
  • To lay a sound biblical and theological basis for mentoring.
  • To provide some practical guidelines for both mentors and mentorees.
  • To emphasise that mentoring is essentially experience-based learning to which reflection is central.
  • To help especially leaders see the broad possibilities for mentoring. To provide case studies of some options and enable them to develop mentoring networks in their churches or organisations.
  • To present Jesus Christ as our prime mentoring model.
The book is an Australian resource which is available from Australian Church Resources for $22

Other mentoring resources from John Mallison include:

  • Mentoring Overview
  • Resources for Mentoring Sessions
  • Resources for Transition Retreats
  • Articles by John Mallison to Promote Mentoring
  • Helpful Ideas on Mentoring by Other Authors
  • Legal Pitfalls in Mentoring and How to Avoid Them
  • Recommended Reading for Mentoring/Discipleship
  • Links to Other Mentoring/Discipleship Sites

Lifelong Faith

Lifelong faith is committed to helping congregations develop lifelong faith formation for all ages and generations, increasing the capacity of leaders and communities to nurture faith growth.

Lifelong faith offers:
Free faith formation journal
Presentations from their conferences  (2013 conferences included Living as God's people in the 21st century; Growing disciples in the 21st century; Reading the signs of the times; Faith formation in a missional age; Men's ministry)
21st Century Faith formation
Faith formation 2020
Intergenerational faith formation
Christian Practices Resources
Lifelong faith store

visit to discover more resources to help you in forming faith in your community

Book: Stuck! by Terry Walling more

Terry Walling is passionate about helping churches and their leaders in transition.   He holds to two main truths about transitions: First, God does some of his most significant work shaping a leader's life during a time of transition, and second, even the most mature leaders and Christ-followers can get lost during a transition.

His book Stuck! is for all Christ followers as transitions occur in the lives of every committed follower of Jesus.  Transitions are the moments and days that lie between what is and what is to come. Transitions are in the seam between one development phase and the next. They deepen one's trust and dependency on God and help Christ followers better recognize God's voice and calling in their life.

As you walk through this book, some of the following questions will be addressed:
- What is a transition?
- How do I know if I am in a transition?
- What is the pathway through the transition?
- How does God use the transition to shape my life and direction?
- How do I know when the transition is over?
- What can I expect in the future?
"Stuck!" is about finding God in new ways and discovering his purposes, while at the same time, surviving and navigating through a time of transition

What others have been saying about Transitions
Amazon reviews
Good Reads reviews
Book Review by Tom Welch

Lutheran Sermons for lay readers and reflection

Lutheran sermons for lay readers and devotional reading and listening

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Adelaide sermons available as mp3s

Good News Lutheran Church Middle Park sermons available in pdf and mp3

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista sermons available in pdf and mp3s

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Toowoomba sermons available in pdf format

Ipswich Lutheran Church sermons available in pdf

LCMS sermons sermons available in pdf

Lutheran Church of Australia's worship resources including sermons for each Sunday

Lutheran Church of Australia Worship DVDs including sermons for those unable to attend worship

Crosspoint Community Church Houston and Katy...videos of sermons to watch 

Lutheran Sermons on Sermoncentral sermons online

Our Saviour Lutheran Church Rochedale sermons available in pdf 

Pastor Adrian Kitson of St Petri Nuriootpa personal blog offers a transcript of his sermons and other ramblings relating to worship and faith

Pastor Vince Gerhardy's of St Pauls Lutheran Church Caboolture sermons sermons available in pdf

Portland-Heywood Lutheran Church sermons available as mp3s

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Everton Hills sermons available in pdf

Ringwood Know Lutheran Parish sermons available in pdf

St Marks Lutheran Church Epping makes available some of their sermons in pdf format 

St Michaels Lutheran Church Hahndorf sermons available in pdf format

St Pauls Lutheran Church Box Hill sermons available in pdf and mp3s

I am always looking to add to the if you know of other good resources for Lutheran sermons please email me

Sunday, May 26, 2013

His mission in the Gospel of Luke - Gospel Coalition Conference

Visit to watch and listen to any of the following sessions from the 2013 gospel coalition conference.....

The Biblical Basis for Missions: Treasure in Jars of Clay (2 Cor. 4:1-12)
Don Carson

Are People Without Christ Really Lost?
Andy Davis

Why the Great Commission Is Great: Reaching More and More People (2 Cor. 4:13-18)
David Platt

The Heart of God in the Call to Proclaim: Our Goal: To Please Him (2 Cor. 5:1-10)
John Piper

The Individual's Suffering and the Salvation of the World
Michael Oh

Jesus and Justice
Stephen Um

Being Ambassadors for Christ: The Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:11-21)
Mack Stiles

Mobilized for Missions: A Strategy for Launching College Graduates Around the World
Rupert Leary

Discipleship and Development: Connecting Sound Doctrine and Sound Economics in Global Missions
Brian Fikkert

Church Planting in Gospel-Resistant Places
Dave Furman

Reckless Abandon: Faith that Glorifies God by Advancing His Name
David Sitton

Must One Choose Between Truth and Tolerance?
Don Carson

The Reformers' Commitment to the Propagation of the Gospel to All Nations from 1555-1654
Elias Medeiros

Missions and the Fear of God
Flip Buys

A Biblical Theology of Mission: An Evaluation of Chris Wright
Gary Millar

Christian Witness in a Religiously Pluralistic World
Harold Netland

What It Means to Truly Consider Missions
Mack Stiles

My Call to Missions: Missed or Misunderstood?
Noël Piper

Contextualization and the Gospel Once-for-All Delivered to God’s People
Zane Pratt

The Shape of Things to Come in Missions
Zane Pratt

Misconceptions about the Chinese Church
Joann Pittman

The World Mission of Christ in the Cross Defines and Empowers the Local Work of the Church
Josiah Bancroft

Jesus the Son of God, the Son of Mary (Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-21)
John Piper

Jesus Despised (Luke 4:14-30)
Colin Smith

Jesus' Transforming Power on Behalf of the Afflicted (Luke 8:26-56)
Crawford Loritts

Jesus' Resolve to Head Toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:18-62)
Don Carson

Jesus and the Lost (Luke 15:1-32)
Kevin DeYoung

Jesus and Money (Luke 16:1-31)
Stephen Um

Panel Discussion: Did Jesus Preach the Gospel?
Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Tim Keller, John Piper
Jesus Betrayed and Crucified (Luke 22:39-23:43)
Gary Millar

Jesus Vindicated (Luke 24:1-53)
Tim Keller

Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry
Paul Tripp

Because We Are One: Incarnation, Union and Life as the Beloved
Elyse Fitzpatrick

Are Adam and Eve Historical Figures?
Albert Mohler, Bryan Chapell

How to Create a Sending Culture in Your Church
J. D. Greear

9Marks Panel Discussion: Conversion and Community: How the Church Pictures Supernatural Community
Albert Mohler, J. D. Greear, Jared Wilson, Mike McKinley, Jonathan Leeman, Jeramie Rinne

9Marks Panel Discussion: Growth and Grace: How Obedience Sets Us Free
Tim Keller, John Piper, Mike McKinley, Jonathan Leeman, Tom Schreiner, Hunter Powell

9Marks Panel Discussion: Membership and Mission: Why Membership Matters for the Church's Mission
Matt Chandler, Mike McKinley, Jonathan Leeman, K. Edward Copeland, Andy Davis

Is the World Really Flat?
Albert Mohler

The Dangers and Delights of a Long Ministry in One Place
Alistair Begg

Recapturing a Robust Doctrine of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Burk Parsons

Knowing God as Father: Understanding the Doctrine of Adoption
C. J. Mahaney

Women in the Church: A Distinctive Contribution
Claire Smith

Dealing with Discouragement in Ministry
Darrin Patrick, Amie Patrick

Every Disciple Making Disciples, Every Church Multiplying Churches
David Platt

How Do Others Experience You as a Counselor?
David Powlison

What Do We Mean When We Confess Jesus to be the Son of God?
Don Carson

The Theology of Deuteronomy for Preachers
Gary Millar

College Ministry: Because Real Life Begins Now!
Jon Nielson, J. D. Greear, Rupert Leary

Living and Active Prayer: Led By the Psalms
Kathleen Nielson

Marks of the Messenger
Mack Stiles

Faithful and Fruitful
Matt Chandler

New Directions in Assisted Reproduction: How Did We End Up Here?
Megan Best

Divine Hospitality: Feasting with God in Luke's Gospel
Michael Horton

Preparing Leaders of Integrity for Public Influence
Michael Lindsay

Rhythms of Grace
Mike Cosper

False Comfort and Faulty Assumptions: Confronting Misbeliefs in the Midst of Grief
Nancy Guthrie

Gospel Centered Youth Ministry: Building on Jesus not the Jokes
Nate Morgan Locke, Josh Cousineau

Insourcing: Bringing Discipleship Back into the Local Church
Randy Pope

Black and White and Red All Over: Racial Reconciliation and the Gospel in the Local Church
Russell Moore

Beyond Cotton Balls and Popsicle Sticks
Sally and David Michael

Why Cities Matter: To God, the Culture, and the Church
Stephen Um, Justin Buzzard

Gospel Centered Youth Ministry: Jesus' Mission to the Next Generation
Tim Hawkins, Dave Wright

A Biblical Theology of Revival
Tim Keller

Atonement in Luke-Acts
Tom Schreiner

How Pastors Can Encourage Artistic Gifts
Phil Ryken

How Suffering Sets You Free
Tullian Tchividjian

Reformed Theological Seminary Panel: Having Confidence in the Scriptures
Justin Taylor, Bruce Baugus, John Currid, Mike Kruger, Chuck Hill

Reformed Theological Seminary Panel: Seeing Christ in the Old Testament
David Mathis, Mark Futato, Scott Redd, Derek Thomas, Miles Van Pelt

Zondervan Panel: How to Engage and Study Doctrine in the Local Church
Kevin DeYoung, Michael Horton, Justin Buzzard, J. D. Greear

Redefining Work
Tim Keller

Redefining Work Panel Discussion
Tim Keller, Bob Doll, Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Greg Forster, Dave Kiersznowski, Mark Mellinger

Reframing Pastoral Work
Bob Doll, Tom Nelson

Reframing Pastoral Work Panel Discussion
Tim Keller, Tom Nelson, John Yates, Bob Doll, Crawford Loritts, Mark Mellinger

Rethinking Work
Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Dave Kiersznowski

Rethinking Work Panel Discussion
Tim Keller, Tom Nelson, Dave Kiersznowski, Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Mark Mellinger

The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition 

The Gospel Coalition began with informal conversations between D. A. Carson and Tim Keller in 2004. Recalling how in the aftermath of World War II evangelicals built institutions that testified to a robust, confessional gospel, they wondered how to re-establish for the 21st century that central ground between obscurantism and liberalism. 
First they convened a pastors' colloquium at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in May 2005. They restricted the number of participants to less than 50. All were pastors or had been pastors for sustained periods of time. They came from an assortment of denominational backgrounds (including Free Church, Episcopal, Independent, Baptist, and Presbyterian). All were expositors, all were broadly Reformed, and all were committed to evangelism and service. They took time to get to know one another, pray together, and talk extensively about the challenges facing evangelicals in the early 21st century. 
That group authorized Carson and Keller to draft a confession and theological vision for ministry. The colloquium reconvened in 2006, and most members brought along a junior associate to observe the discussions. They worked over the documents carefully, looked to Scripture, prayed, and brainstormed the way ahead. The most deeply felt need was the call to focus a new generation of Christian pastors and leaders on the primacy of the one true gospel and help them understand our times with penetrating faithfulness. They sought to be a coalition that brings together pastors and churches across denominational, ethnic, and generational lines, joined by a passionate commitment to the gospel and its transforming power. Together they would seek to evangelize, plant and strengthen churches, and do good in the culture where God has placed them.
The foundation documents serve as a banner over all we do. The doctrinal convictions and vision for ministry codified in these documents are what TGC strives to spread for the glory of God. We do this because we believe God has revealed a timeless message and agenda greatly needed in our day.  

What they offer
Their website offers sermons, articles, book reviews, videos, books, podcasts, New City catechism, blogs from members and other resources suitable for evangelising confessional Christians.

Visit the Gospel Coalition

Tim Keller resources

Tim Keller is an evangelist, apologist and pastor with Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York.  
This congregation grew from 50 to 5000 in just over 20 years.  
He has written numerous books and studies which can be discovered at Timothy Keller books.  

Prodigal God is one of His most popular books

Timothy Keller's web page  contains a considerable amount of information including details of all his books, sermons, web casts and church planting information.

He is also a co-founder of the Gospel Coalition

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Illustration of grace: Graceful response to a hurtful situation

How have you responded when you have been hurt?   With revenge?  With determination that someone should be punished?  With a view of forgiveness?  With a view of wanting to help?
Well here is a story that is inspiring and shows great leadership when you are offended.

On 24th May 2013 the Sydney Swans played Colingwood at the MCG in round 9 of the Australian Football was the first game of the round...and the round was dedicated to the indigenous community.   

In the final quarter one of the stars of the Sydney Swans, an indigenous player, Adam Goodes, was racially vilified by a young Collingwood supporter....

The young supporter was reported by Adam Goodes and a Collingwood footballer Darren Jolly which lead to her being evicted from the ground....

Adam Goodes was upset at being racially left the ground 

What followed is a lesson of grace and humility from all parties, and how to deal with a sin graciously..

The opposition club President Eddie Maguire sort out Goodes immediately after the game to apologise on behalf of the club...
Players from other clubs contacted Goodes to offer support.

However one of the most intriguing responses was from Adam Goodes himself....He was still concerned and upset for being racially abused....however He wasn't after revenge...instead he showed genuine concern for the girl that she could be crucified for this mistake...
and when she contacted him to apologise...he let everyone know she had apologised..

Read the full transcript of his media release

QUESTION: How are you feeling about last night?
GOODES: Yeah look, I'm pretty gutted to be honest. The win was the first of its kind in 40 years. To win by 47 points against Collingwood, to play such a pivotal role just sort of means nothing, you know, to come to the boundary line and hear a 13-year-old girl call me an ape. And it's not the first time on the footy field I've been referred to as a monkey or an ape. It was shattering.
I turned around and when I saw it was a young girl and I thought she was 14, that was my initial thought, I was just like 'really?'. I just thought how could that happen? And all this week, you know, this week is a celebration of our people and our culture and the absolute privilege of meeting the great man Nicky Winmar two days ago now and what he's been able to do for us 20 years ago and to be able to make a stand myself and say racism has a face last night and, you know, it was a 13-year-old girl but it's not her fault.
She's 13, she's still so innocent, I don't put any blame on her. Unfortunately it's what she hears, the environment she's grown up in that has made her think it's ok to call people names. I can guarantee you right now she would have no idea, you know, how it makes anyone feel by calling them an ape. Um, I think, you know, it was just the name calling that she was doing and unfortunately it cut me deep and it affected me so much that I couldn't even be on the ground last night to celebrate a victory to indigenous round and I'm still shattered personally, yeah it's tough. Loving the support of my friends and family and people in the social media, it's fantastic.
But I think the person that needs the most support is the little girl, you know. People need to get around her, she's 13, she's uneducated. You know if she wants to pick up the phone and call me and apologise, I'll take that phone call and I'll have a conversation with that girl about 'You know what, you called me a name, this is how it made me feel', and it's school stuff, it is school stuff.
And that's what it took me back to last night, I felt I was in high school again, being bullied, being called all these names because of my appearance. I didn't stand up for myself in high school, I'm a lot more confident, I'm a lot more proud about who I am and my culture, and I decided to stand up last night and I'll continue to stand up because racism has no place in our industry, it has no place in our society. Hopefully any person out there that has been name called, that has been verbally abused, can stand up for themselves after what happened last night.

Is this the lowest point in your career?

I don't know if it's the lowest in my career, but personally I don't think I've ever been more hurt by someone calling me a name than I was last night. Not because of what was said, but from where it came from.  It just hit me that it wasn’t a Collingwood issue or an AFL issue, but a society issue and it’s an issue of what our parents are teaching our kids. My mum taught me to treat people the way I want to be treated and after being verbally abused as a child growing up, I never want anyone to feel abused, verbally, about your race, about being black, about your appearance.  And hopefully today people hearing this message, they can understand that it's unacceptable and it hurts. It doesn't just hurt me, it hurts my brother, my mother, it hurts my family, it hurts my non-indigenous friends. They're embarrassed, they're apologising. I said to them, 'don't apologise. It's got nothing to do with you'. They apologise because it still happens and we're not educating our children, we're not educating people enough about how it is hurtful.

Adam, do you think this is a line in the sand moment? The positives as you've mentioned and the support you've been given may support people.
I hope it does, I hope standing here and telling people how it has affected me helps people out there. Helps people who have done it in the past know that a simple name, a simple word can cut so deep. Because it happens everywhere, it happens in the schoolyard, at sporting events, it happens while playing sport. People need to know it's hurtful and the people that don’t stand up for it, it hurts them so much that they don't want to. It still hurts just as much it does for me.  But whether they have the people to support them like I've had, I've had fantastic support in the last 24 hours. And like I've said, I just hope they give the 13-year-old the same sort of support because she needs it, her family need it, the people around them need it. It's not a witch hunt. I don't want people to go after this young girl. We just need to educate our society better so it doesn't happen again.

(Inaudible) How would you suggest, what would you want to see (inaudible) the way this issue is dealt with in the future?

I think what we're seeing is standing up for it. Twenty years ago Nicky Winmar stood up at Victoria Park and said enough is enough. I'm standing up last night saying it's still happening, it still happens and it's a shame that it's a 13-year-old girl, that's the sad thing about it, so sad, and that's what hurts me the most, she's a young girl and has no idea what she's called me, no significance of what it means. So it's education, it's me standing here telling you that a simple word like ape can cut me so deep, it's derogatory, it's not only me, it hurts all black people everywhere.

Do you feel like you were representing just yourself last night?
Not at all, I always go out to represent my football club and who I am, a young (inaudible) man and um, if people have a problem with me, say it to me. If you're gonna hurt my feelings, then I'm going to point you out. It was just really sad, and like I said before, we need to support our children better and help educate them more. Parents have to take responsibility for that.

If you had the opportunity to speak to the parents, what would you say?
Oh, there's no doubt you know, the support that I'm getting on social media, she's getting the opposite. And I feel sorry for her. Like is said before, she doesn’t know what she's said. She's saying things that she hears whether she's watching TV at home, or if she's at school or with her friends if they talk like this. She doesn’t know exactly what she's saying, there's no way. She's too innocent for that. And I just want her to know that it hurts, it hurts people to name call.  There's no doubt that she's been name called at school or been bullied, she knows how that makes her feel, so why do it to other people. I just hope that she does have that support, and the message here is that there is no place for racism in sport, no place for racism in society and I'm going to continue to stand up here and say it until, you know, it gets completely rid of. Hopefully one day that will happen.

I have no idea, Nicky Winmar stood there 20 years ago just saying, you know what? I'm black and I'm proud. Because his actions were fantastic, hopefully my words today help educate people today as well. Look, they're consequences for the AFL to deal with, um, my care is for myself, my football club and that little girl because she needs support right now, and people really need to get around her and support her.

In your 15 to 16 years in the game, have things improved?
Definitely, one hundred per cent they're improved, to come to football, and Nicky Winmar just over there can tell you, to come to the football and just rock up and play football and just do your best on your own merits, that's what it’s about, we've created that environment.  The AFL have been fantastic at doing that, it's just there is one off people out there who are uneducated, and they need to be educated. It's up to the media, it's up to myself, it's up to the AFL, it's up to society, it's up to parents to join in and say there's no place for racism in our society.

The fact that it was indigenous round - did that upset you the most? The fact that there's been so much publicity around it?
Mate, it could have been grand final day and I would still be feeling exactly the same - so disappointed, so heartbroken. Whether it was indigenous round or not, let's be clear, it is indigenous round, it's a fantastic week of football, the community get behind it so well, support it, they've got the Dreamtime at the G’ game today, I'm going to be at Etihad stadium this afternoon to watch my brother play for the first time, it's a fantastic round of football and there's a lot to celebrate. Yeah it didn’t start out great last night and that’s what people are going to focus on, but I want people to focus on the rest of the seven games, it is indigenous round and we’ve got a lot to be proud of.

Adam, when you say its not the first time that you have been referred to in these terms, I ask what have been the other circumstances? Has it been from the crowd? Has it been from other players?
Other players.

How recently?
We're talking in the last ten years.

And from the crowd at all?

When do you think the penny will drop? How much longer will it go on for?
Well I think it won't. People are still going to have children, they're still going to raise their kids, we're still going to have an influence on the environment that children are going to grow up in. It's up to everyone of us to stand up for things when we think that's not right, and we always have those thoughts in our heads, whether we're on a tram or a train, out in the park we see people saying things to each other. You've got an option, you can turn your back and keep walking, or you can help that person, support that person, say 'you know what, that's not on we don't do that around here, if you're gonna do that, piss off somewhere else'.

Did you and your teammates sit down last night and have a chat about it?
Yeah of course, they all wanted to know, and that was when I finally felt a lot better, was being around my teammates and the support, to sing the song after the game just took my mind away, but just to explain to the boys what was said, how much it affected me and how they got around me and that's what's so great about team sports they care about you more than anything else and the support I get at my football club is unbelievable.

Do have faith that one day we can stamp this out for good? We thought we'd come a long way, obviously we haven't come that far. Will there be a day when its gone?
No, I didn't say that we haven’t come that far, we've definitely come a long way and we're going to continue to come a long way, and like I said before, it's the group of people right here that are going to have the most impact - the media, Andrew Demetriou, Nicky Winmar and myself continually standing up for what's right. We're not going to stand for racism in our sport, our game.

You're clearly angry, do you want the girl banned? what would you like the AFL to do? Obviously educate her but, but what would you like to see happen?
Yeah look, the police asked me if I wanted to press charges last night. I didn’t want to press charges. Like I said before, she's a 13-year-old girl, we need to educate her, we need to support her, it's such a sad, sad case and we just need to support this young girl. It's out of my hands now. The police said 'do you want to charge her?' I said no, it's now up to the AFL and what they want to do with it, I just hope that she gets some support.

Would you like to speak to her, to explain what she's done?
Do you know, I would love for her to off her own bat and want, want to apologise. I think me wanting to talk to her, she's not taking responsibility, she's got to take a little bit of responsibility that 'you know what, I've done the wrong thing' and then be honest to me, 'you know I really don't know what I was saying last night, I apologise', and then I would open up and say: 'this is what it actually means for you to say this to me, and how hurtful it is, not just for me but for my family, and everyone associated with me'.

Do you think she realised?
No, she was shocked mate, she was really shocked and that's what hurt me so bad, it's when I turned around, I just saw this young face and I was just, it was just sad, like it was so sad and I think the worst thing for me was to actually come off, because I just sat there for a minute and it just hit me, that's why I had to leave the arena, it just broke my heart.

Adam, you're saying how sad it is, do you urge others to stop attacking his girl on Twitter, saying 'name and shame her, ban her for life'?
Yeah definitely, I haven't gotten on Twitter because I'm still emotionally affected by whats happened and I don't want to put anything out there that's going to be written purely on emotion. People do need to cut this girl some slack, she's a young kid and kids are innocent and I've got no doubt in my mind that she had no idea what she was calling me last night, and we need to help educate her and educate society that things like this are hurtful and not only hurtful to individuals but to groups of people.

Given how hurtful it is to you, and it's going to be difficult for you to move forward, how do you move forward? You're probably going to remember this for the rest of your life.
I move forward, it's what we do. This is not the first time I've been racially abused. It affects me, it affects my family, everytime I read a message from one of my friends it affects me because they're telling me how much they love me, how much they support me, how sad they are and it's going to happen for a while and its unfortunate but that's the way it is. I'll move on, I'll get stronger, hopefully today helps other people.