Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Church to visit: ichurch (Immanuel Buderim Lutheran Church)

Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim

To be a growing community of Christ in response to God’s love.

Vision Of The Future
Uniting generations and cultures,
Pursuing fully alive relationships,
Free in fearless faith,
Reaching out, walking with, and serving,
As Christ serves us!

Five Core Values
Jesus is Lord. -“He is the image of the invisible God.” (Col 1:15)
Everyone is Welcome  - “Because God has no favourites!” (Acts 10:34b)
Love Changes People - “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.” (1 John 4:16)
Everyone Has Something to Offer - “We all have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” (Rom 12:6)
Everyone Needs Jesus - “God so loved the world…” (Jn 3:16)

On their web site you will find:

  • Information about Baptism
  • Information about Marriage
  • Details of upcoming events
  • Information to hep children connect and grow in faith
  • Bible available in mp3
  • Planning your funeral
  • Bible Study tools
  • Life transforming groups
  • Team covenants
  • How to serve Holy Communion
  • How to lead prayer
  • Information about Groups
  • plus more
Visit their web site here

Also visit their pastor's site: for sermons, confessions and bible studies

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