Thursday, May 30, 2013

Book: Christianity's dangerous idea

The radical idea that individuals could interpret the Bible for themselves spawned a revolution that is still being played out on the world stage today. This innovation lies at the heart of Protestantism''s remarkable instability and adaptability. World-renowned scholar Alister McGrath sheds new light on the fascinating figures and movements that continue to inspire debate and division across the full spectrum of Protestant churches and communities worldwide.

The Gathering Storm 
The Accidental Revolutionary - Martin Luther
Alternatives to Luther - The Diversification of the Reformation
The Shift in Power - Calvin and Geneva
England - The Emergence of Anglicanism
War, Peace, and Disinterest - European Protestantism in Crisis, 1560–1800
Protestantism in America 

The Nineteenth Century - The Global Expansion of Protestantism
The Bible and Protestantism
Believing and Belonging - Some Distinctive Protestant Beliefs
The Structures of Faith - Organization, Worship, and Preaching
Protestantism and the Shaping of Western Culture
Protestantism, the Arts, and the Natural Sciences

The Changing Shape of American Protestantism
Tongues of Fire - The Pentecostal Revolution in Protestantism
The New Frontiers of Protestantism
The Global South
The Next Generation

book review available here
synopsis available here
ebook available here

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