Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mentoring Resources - John Mallison

Whenever  I am in a discussion about Christian mentoring, the name John Mallison always comes up...
John Mallison's resources appear to have stood the test of time. 

In his book Mentoring to develop disciples and leader, John aims to:

  • To show that mentoring is not an optional extra, if followers of Christ are to mature and fulfil God's purpose for them.
  • To encourage every follower of Christ to take an interest in another's personal and spiritual growth (to 'watch over one another in love'). Mentoring others is not reserved for the giants of the faith!
  • To emphasise that the foundation for effective Christian mentoring is a vital, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • To give a clear understanding of the various dimensions of mentoring and what is involved.
  • To explain that mentoring can be done with varying degrees of intensity from a close friendship to a professional relationship, occasional wise words of encouragement and guidance to well-structures, regular meetings.
  • To lay a sound biblical and theological basis for mentoring.
  • To provide some practical guidelines for both mentors and mentorees.
  • To emphasise that mentoring is essentially experience-based learning to which reflection is central.
  • To help especially leaders see the broad possibilities for mentoring. To provide case studies of some options and enable them to develop mentoring networks in their churches or organisations.
  • To present Jesus Christ as our prime mentoring model.
The book is an Australian resource which is available from Australian Church Resources for $22

Other mentoring resources from John Mallison include:

  • Mentoring Overview
  • Resources for Mentoring Sessions
  • Resources for Transition Retreats
  • Articles by John Mallison to Promote Mentoring
  • Helpful Ideas on Mentoring by Other Authors
  • Legal Pitfalls in Mentoring and How to Avoid Them
  • Recommended Reading for Mentoring/Discipleship
  • Links to Other Mentoring/Discipleship Sites

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