Thursday, September 06, 2012

Stewardship resources for financial tough times

When financial tough times arise church communities are presented with both a challenge to ministry and mission and an opportunity for ministry and mission.   

Following are some resources, thoughts and ideas to help church leaders and their communities to intentionally prepare for ministry in financial tough times

Let's Talk - Living theology in the Metropolitan Chicago synod

The ELCA and the Economic Downturn by Nicholas Zook
Economic Downturn and the Church’s Mission to Serve by Lauren Sanders
The Unexpected Struggle of LVC by Mark Van Scharrel
Be My People! by Liala Ritsema Beukema
Vision, Mission, and Recession by Yehiel Curry
Rods and Blessings by Robert Klonowski
Stewardship in Hard Economic Times by Dan Ruen
Stewardship Strategy by Frank Senn
Not the Way to Show Compassion by Ben Dueholm
“Religionless” Again for the First Time

The Lutheran magazine
Stewardship during an economic crisis


Tyndale University and Seminary

over 50 resources and papers including
McLaren, Brian. "Two Kinds of Economic Recovery," Sojourners Magazine, Feb. 10, 2009.
Brueggemann, Walter. "From Anxiety and Greed, to Milk and Honey. Biblical faith invites us out of self-destruction toward God`s generosity and abundance," Sojourners Magazine, Feb. 4, 2009.
Williams, Rowan, Archbishop of Canterbury. "On the Financial Crisis" (Sept 27, 2008; also: "Knowing our Limits," in Crisis and Recovery: Ethics, Economics and Justice [Palgrave Macmillan, 2010], pp. 19-34).
Marty, Martin. "Trust in Uncertain Times." Audio podcast. Speaking of Faith. MP3, 14:52 min.
Duchrow, Ulrich. "The Financial Crisis in Biblical and Theological Perspective" (Univ of Heidelberg; author of Alternatives to Global Capitalism Drawn from Biblical History)
Boff, Leonardo. "Is the Worst Yet to Come?" (Nov 29, 2008; and also Oct 3, 2008)
Lutheran World Federation, Executive Committee. "Pastoral Message Concerning the Global Financial Crisis" (Oct 24-26, 2008).
Childs, James M. Greed: Economics and Ethics in Conflict. Fortress, 2000.
Claar, Victor V., and Robin J. Klay. Economics in Christian Perspective: Theory, Policy and Life Choices. InterVarsity, 2007.
Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia D. Healing a Broken World: Globalization and God. Fortress, 2002.
Maybe we should blame God for the Subprime Mess (Time, Oct 3, 2008, on the Prosperity Gospel)

World Vision
Biblical wisdom for a financial crisis 

Pastor Richard Schwedes Portland Heywood Lutheran Church
By September 2010 our congregation was facing a shortfall of $20000 in offerings should trends continue.   Following prayer, some research (some of which suggested that congregations who had intentional good biblical teaching on money and stewardship are less affected than those who don't when conflict and financial problems arise) and study we undertook some teaching and encouragement titled Blessed to Give in October. 

The teaching took place over four weeks as follows
Week 1:  Blessed to give together

Genesis 12:1-3
Psalm 24:1
1 Peter 4:10-11
Acts 2:42-47

Week 2:  Blessed to give focussed on eternity
Psalm 121
Colossians 3:1-4
Philippians 3:17-21
Matthew 6:19-20

Week 3:  Blessed to give God's way
Leviticus 26:1-11
2 Corinthians 8:1-12
Luke 21:1-4

Week 4:  Blessed to give for God's work among us and through us
Galatians 6:6-10
Philippians 4:14-16
Matthew 25:13-30 

These teachings was supported by a brochure containing the reality of our situation, some further texts for reflection and encouragement for members to be intentional in their giving, some testimonies and encouragement to use regular electronic giving.

Fortunately and as a result of God's grace by December giving in our congregation improved and we met our budgeted offering for the year.

If you have further resources that you believe will help congregations and leaders when faced with financial tough times please email these to me at so we can share them with others....

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