Saturday, August 18, 2012

Discipleship Resources

When congregations and individual Christians see themselves as disciples and disciplemakers something special and biblical happens.   The church (ie. individual Christians following Jesus together) live out who God is calling them to be.   Not only do they receive God's Good News, they see their role in distributing God's Good News....learning and putting the Gospel into practice.

Over the last few years there has been an increasing number of pastors and congregations focussing on discipleship.  Following are some resources that may help you and the Christian groups you mix with get hold of discipleship....

The paradox of being a disciple is that:
God has done it all...we are saved by grace through faith and this is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8)
and at the same time Jesus says "any of you who does not give up everything can not be my disciple (Luke 14:33)

Papers and articles on discipleship
The History of Discipleship in the Lutheran Tradition - Robert Kolb
The Church Executive as Disciple: Some Personal Reflections - Marcus C. Lohrmann
PART ONE: The Disciple and Christ: Faith Alone - Steven C. Kuhl
PART TWO: The Disciple and the Church: The Fellowship of Faith - Steven C. Kuhl
Discipleship Bishop - John Roth
Following Jesus When Things are Falling Apart - Felix Meylahn
The heart-disease of Self-Referential Faith - Bishop Well

Discipleship resources
3dm including building a discipleship culture



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