Saturday, September 08, 2012

Church to visit: St Lydia's a dinner church

St Lydia's calls itself a dinner church...tied to the Lutheran and Episcopalian traditions

Who they say they are?

Our congregation is looking for an experience of the Holy that is strong enough to lean on, deep enough to question, and challenging enough to change us.
Our life together is founded on three pillars:
  • Sharing the Meal: Our worship takes place at the table around a big, delicious meal that we cook together. Communion is made as we share food and ourselves by exploring scripture, singing, and praying together.
  • Telling Our Story: Jesus told a lot of stories, and so do we. We tell the story of Christ's dying and rising, and through it, uncover the daily dyings and risings that comprise our lives.
  • Working Together: When you arrive at St. Lydia's, you'll be put straight to work preparing dinner or setting the table. Working together unites us as a community and brings us closer
    to God.

Visit their site to discover:
More about St Lydia's
How you can get involved in building the church community
Frequently Asked Questions
a guided tour
weekly blog

Visit St Lydias at

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