Thursday, May 16, 2019

Book: On Justification through Faith - Theological Commonplaces

Originally published in 1613, On Justification through Faith presents Johann Gerhard’s classic voice on this crucial doctrine. While his theology is, in many respects, nothing new beyond what other Lutherans such as Martin Chemnitz said before him, his perspective is distinctively helpful to modern readers, especially in his dealing of topics not dealt with by previous theologians.

Gerhard’s basic position is that justification is a judicial term, and thus the appropriation of God’s grace through faith alone (justification) is not the transfer of divinity—of the essence of the God-man—or of any qualities (created or divine) from God to the believer, but instead it is a change of status before God. For Gerhard, justification is unthinkable without the real person of Christ being apprehended through faith.

Table of Contents
Commonplace XIX: On Justification through Faith
Chapter I: On the efficient cause of justification
Chapter II: The meritorious cause of justification
Chapter III: On the instrumental cause of justification
       Section I: On justifying faith and its parts. 
       Section II: On the various divisions of faith.
       Section III: The principal efficient cause of faith is the Holy Spirit, 
       Section V: The effect of faith, which is justification.
       Section VI: On the properties of justifying faith, that is, Whether they can be separated from love and the other virtues.
Chapter IV: On the formal cause of justification. 
Chapter V: On the final cause of justification. 
Chapter VI: On the use of the doctrine of justification and on its definition.

Resource: Lay Person Upfront

Lay person upfront is a resource developed by Pastor Rob Edwards when he was pastor Calvary Rockhampton Lutheran Church.
The resources assists lay people who have the task of leading worship, lay leading, or lay preaching in a Lutheran context

You can download Lay person up front here.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Children's Book: The Day when God made the church

Children love birthday parties. This is a book – a first if its kind – to help kids understand and celebrate the birthday of the Church. The Day When God Made the Church is the story of Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit shaped, and continues to shape, who we are as God’s Church. Children will learn the story of Pentecost: the sights, sounds, and events of that miraculous day described in the Book of Acts. They will also discover who the Holy Spirit is and how God calls each of us to follow Jesus. At the end, parents, educators, ministers will discover fresh ways to celebrate Pentecost with children in their own churches and families.

A great addition to your Pentecost shelves: This book is a wonderful telling of the story of Pentecost: the sights, the sounds and the people that began the community of the Church. We recommend placing this book on the bottom shelf of your Pentecost shelves.
—The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, Ph.D.
Co-Rector, All Saints' Church, Belmont, MA
Director of the Center for the Theology of Childhood
The Godly Play Foundation

"Readers and listeners of all ages will discover much to stimulate their understanding of Pentecost through this theologically grounded book. Its engaging qualities and vivid images rhythmically connects children to the movement of The Holy Spirit, and the birth of the Church. Rebekah seamlessly helps children understand this sometimes difficult celebration in the liturgical year." —Melanie C. Gordon, Director of Ministry with Children, Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church

“This is a delightful and powerful telling of the birth of the church. Your child will love this book. The Day When God Made Church invites the parent, teacher, and child to engage in conversation about God, love, and the church. This is the book we have been waiting for….”
—The Rev. Mark Bozzuti-Jones award winning author of God Created and Jesus, the Word

Good children’s storybooks about Pentecost are few and far between. So when a new one appears it is worth sharing. "The Day When God Made Church: A Child’s First Book about Pentecost," by Rebekah McLeod Hutto, is a good addition to a church’s resources for children’s classes and libraries. Though it is rather long (5 minutes to read aloud), it could also be read in worship. Read it just before or after reading the biblical text to add color and detail to the story. If you are lucky enough to have a small number of children, read it with them seated around you so they can follow the wonderful illustrations. Savor the TALL words in the text and pause to reflect on the details in the pictures.
If you observe Ascension of the Lord on the Sunday before Pentecost, read only the first three pages about WAITING just before the benediction of that service and invite worshipers back the following week for the story and party that come next.
I mention this book now so that you have time to order it as you plan for Pentecost on May 15.—Carolyn C. Brown, author of Forbid Them Not, and Gateways to Heaven,

The Day When God Made Church immediately draws readers of all ages into the Acts 2 story of Pentecost. Haig’s illustrations give deep meaning to Hutto’s child-like words that tell how the disciples wait…wait…WAIT in the Upper Room. At first, the reader sees men, women, children, and animals portrayed plainly in solid colors. The first inkling of the Holy Spirit comes visually with a bright blue spark, and the patterned orange flame of an ancient lamp. One turn of the page makes the reader gasp in awe at the Holy Spirit’s presence: joyful patterns of bright colors fill the pages, swirling around the people, dog, cow, and dove!
The story continues as colors visually represent the Holy Spirit’s wind and fire, warming the disciples’ hearts. Blue swirls turn into drops of rain filled with words from a host of different languages, eliciting sounds like drumbeats and whispers. Young readers will love to interact with these pages as their imaginations, curiosity, and enthusiasm are engaged by a sense of wonder.
The story draws readers into the disciples’ questions: Who is the Holy Spirit? …  What is happening? … Why do we feel so different? … Why do we hear so many languages?
These questions beautifully set the scene for remembering Jesus, as well as for Peter’s definition of the church: We are a family that shares, eats, and worships together. The story ends with a jubilant “Alleluia!” and a visual invitation to the Lord’s table, evoking the famous Holy Trinity icon.—Alexis Kruza, Building Faith

The story of Pentecost is so familiar that a summary is not necessary.  This, however, is a first person narrative which invites us to be participants.  This is a more comprehensive telling of Acts 2 than is usual for children.  It includes Joel’s prophesy, (without identifying it), Peter’s sermon, a reference to baptism, and the shared life of the new community as well as the gift of the Spirit and varied languages.  Some of the story is omitted but the essential outline of Pentecost is here, enriched by metaphors and highlighted by feelings. The story is told in simple, direct sentences with print variation and color contributing to the excitement.  But without pictures or print, it’s easy to hear this story as an aural experience.  The art adds details about this being an intergenerational group and animals are present. The author makes a number of suggestions about how to celebrate Pentecost on the concluding page. Pentecost is relatively free from the cultural takeover of Christmas and Easter.
“Finally a story for young children about Pentecost! … Children will enjoy reading about the birthday of their church, and they—along with the adults who love them—will be better able to wrap their hearts and minds around this curious celebration called Pentecost. Alleluia!”
 —Rev. Matt Matthews, author of the novel Mercy Creek and Pastor, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC.

Resource: Fan God's gifts into flame (Pastor Personal Growth)

Fan God’s Gifts into Flame assists pastors in thinking through some of the “whys” and “hows” of planning for growth in all their God-given callings (pastor, husband, father, colleague in ministry, etc.). Since each pastor is a uniquely gifted child of God, and since each place where God calls him to serve is a unique gathering of God’s people, it can be wise for a pastor to take time to consider how he can make the most of his unique God-given strengths in his unique God-given place of service. The goal is to help pastors make such planning an annual part of how they grow in all their callings.

The resource includes:

  • An essay giving you the theological rationale and some practical directions for developing an annual spiritual and professional growth plan.
  • A Workbook giving you tools to consider your strengths and the specific strengths that God has given to you as a unique individual.
  • A Toolbox will giving  you some tools you can use as you pursue personal, spiritual, and professional growth.

EBook: Renew 52

Renew 52: 50+ Ideas to Revitalize Your Congregation from Leaders under 50 is a free ebook that features 52 short essays from 54 Christian leaders in 15 different traditions. In this 2012 collection, edited by David J. Lose (former Vibrant Congregations Project grant director and Luther Seminary faculty member), authors were guided by the conviction that congregations are the primary place where the Spirit is at work for the renewal of the church.

From the introduction by David J. Lose:
The Spirit is moving in exciting ways. We are on the cusp of exciting, if unpredictable, renewal. In spite of the well-documented story of mainline decline, there is a lot of growth, a lot of potential, and a lot of hope in our congregations as well.

Each of the authors in this ebook has had her or his share of challenges and setbacks, but each has also learned from those and continues to dream, work, plan, and lead. And this book pulls together more than fifty of their best ideas for congregational renewal.

To download the book visit 

Friday, May 03, 2019

Resource: Encouraging the faith of your grandchildren

Lutheran Church of Australia's Grow Ministries has developed a handout to assist grandparent in assisting their grandchildren to connect with and remain connected with Jesus.  
The resource is available free of charge from Grow Ministries 

Book: Reading the bible with Rabbi Jesus

What would it be like for modern readers to sit down beside Jesus as he explained the Bible to them? What life-changing insights might emerge from such a transformative encounter? 
Lois Tverberg knows the treasures that await readers willing to learn how to read the Bible through Jewish eyes. By helping them understand the Bible as Jesus and his first-century listeners would have, she bridges the gaps of time and culture in order to open the Bible to readers today. 
Combining careful research with engaging prose, Tverberg leads us on a journey back in time to shed light on how this Middle Eastern people approached life, God, and each other. She explains age-old imagery that we often misinterpret, allowing us to approach God and the stories and teachings of Scripture with new eyes. By helping readers grasp the perspective of its original audience, she equips them to read the Bible in ways that will enrich their lives and deepen their understanding.

Table of Contents

1 Opening the Bible with Jesus :   Emmaus Is Still There

Part 1 Repacking Our Mental Bags:  Tools for the Journey
2 Learning to Be There:  A Clash of Cultures
3 What Does "Christ" Mean, Anyway?:  A Perplexing Word
4 Painting in Hebrew:  Bold Colors, Broad Brushstrokes

Part 2 How the Bible Thinks
Big Picture Ideas That You Need to Understand
5 Greek Brain, Hebrew Brain:  Cows, Creeds, and Concrete Metaphors
6 Why Jesus Needs Those Boring "Begats":  Knowing the Family Rules
7 Reading the Bible as a "We":  Insights from a Communal Perspective
8 Like Grasshoppers in Our Own Eyes:  Learning to "Think Small"

Part 3 Reading about the Messiah
Seeing Him through Hebrew Eyes
9 Memory Is Critical:  Hinting at the Scriptures
10 Moses and the Prophets Have Spoken:  Finding Promises in the Synagogue
11 Reading in the Third Dimension:  Listening for Echoes in the Text
12 Jesus' Bold Messianic Claims:  Very Subtle, Very Jewish
13 When the Words Catch Fire:  What We Miss in Isaiah

Appendix A Books of the Tanakh
Appendix B Thirty Useful Hebrew Words for Bible Study
Appendix C Bible Translations for Word Study

Book: Rewiring your preaching

What preachers preach is not necessarily what hearers hear. Have you ever wondered why some hearers are affected by a sermon but not others? The issue may not necessarily be the content or delivery of the message. It may be how your hearers' brains process what you say. Modern neuroscience illuminates how our brains understand and hear sermons. Verbal stimuli can be accepted or rejected depending on the context of how they are received. The brain processes new information differently than information that reinforces already-held beliefs. To have long-term effect, new information must connect with previous memory. Psychologist, physician and preacher Richard Cox shows that better understanding of the brain can help preachers be more effective in their preaching. Intentional, purposeful preaching can actually produce new neural pathways that change how the brain thinks and how its owner acts. Our brains are intimately connected with how our bodies work, especially in how brain stimuli produce behavioral responses and how people experience comfort and healing in times of pain. God is at work in our brains to enable his people to hear him. Preach with the brain in mind, and help your hearers grow in mental, physical and spiritual health.

1. Brainstorm vs. Short Circuit
2. Linking Brain and Sermon
3. The Brain Sees Preaching As Unique
4. The Brain Uses Preaching For Healing
5. The Core Process of Preaching is Brain Work
6. Preaching Provides Brain Energy
7. Brain Stimuli Produce Behavioral Responses
8. Preaching and Pastoring Are Different
9. Getting To the Brain with Theology
10. Preaching and the Brain in Pain
11. Brain Healing and the Soul
12. Brain Healing and the Mind
13. Brain Healing and the Body
14. Brain Healing and the Community

Resources: Caring for your pastor

Pastoral for many pastors is challenging, what helps pastors cope with these challenges, live healthy lives (physically and mentally) is when they are cared for.  Following are some resources to help congregations and fellow Christians care for their pastors.    If you are aware of any others please add them to the comments.  

Biblical Study

Article:  The cost of not caring for your pastor (includes suggestions on how to care for your pastor)
Article:  How to care for your pastor
Article:  Gospel Coalition - 7 ways to care for your pastor 
Article: Support and care for the pastor - a critical role of the board
Article;  50 ways to love your pastor

Blog - Pastoral Meanderings - who cares for the Pastor?

Handout:  Who cares for the Pastor?

Free pdf Book - Who cares for the Pastor?


Bible Study: Lutheran Spirituality - Witness

Spirituality is a common term today, but what does it mean? To find the right answer, Lutheran Spirituality directs adult Bible study participants to God's Word. Lutheran Spirituality explores the Bible, Luther's Small Catechism, and the Lutheran hymnal as integral resources for living out our faith in a spiritually confused-and sometimes confusing-world.

As Lutherans, we affirm that sharing our faith with others is an integral part of our Christian existence in this world. This activity remains with us even as the Church enlists certain individuals for outreach projects close to home or overseas. In this study, we hope to encourage among Lutherans a broader commitment to share their faith in whatever calling, the Lord has placed them.

Session 1: Salvation to the Ends of the Earth
Session 2: Rooted in Christ's Ministry
Session 3: Follow Me
Session 4: Witness Boldly
Session 5: Go Where?
Session 6: The Hub of Christian Life and Witness

This is a downloadable study available from CPH

Mission bulletin sentences based on the Lectionary

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Texas District Witness and Outreach has developed some Mission Sentences based on the Lectionary Reading for the week...
They are available at:  
Year A
Year B
Year C

Evangelism Tool: HIS coin

His Coin is an evangelism tool developed by Kevin H. Park to help you discuss and help people remember two key gifts from God, Grace and Mercy. 
Kevin sees them as two sides of the same coin.  

To order discover more about this story and to order the coins visit