Thursday, May 02, 2019

Book: Reading the bible with Rabbi Jesus

What would it be like for modern readers to sit down beside Jesus as he explained the Bible to them? What life-changing insights might emerge from such a transformative encounter? 
Lois Tverberg knows the treasures that await readers willing to learn how to read the Bible through Jewish eyes. By helping them understand the Bible as Jesus and his first-century listeners would have, she bridges the gaps of time and culture in order to open the Bible to readers today. 
Combining careful research with engaging prose, Tverberg leads us on a journey back in time to shed light on how this Middle Eastern people approached life, God, and each other. She explains age-old imagery that we often misinterpret, allowing us to approach God and the stories and teachings of Scripture with new eyes. By helping readers grasp the perspective of its original audience, she equips them to read the Bible in ways that will enrich their lives and deepen their understanding.

Table of Contents

1 Opening the Bible with Jesus :   Emmaus Is Still There

Part 1 Repacking Our Mental Bags:  Tools for the Journey
2 Learning to Be There:  A Clash of Cultures
3 What Does "Christ" Mean, Anyway?:  A Perplexing Word
4 Painting in Hebrew:  Bold Colors, Broad Brushstrokes

Part 2 How the Bible Thinks
Big Picture Ideas That You Need to Understand
5 Greek Brain, Hebrew Brain:  Cows, Creeds, and Concrete Metaphors
6 Why Jesus Needs Those Boring "Begats":  Knowing the Family Rules
7 Reading the Bible as a "We":  Insights from a Communal Perspective
8 Like Grasshoppers in Our Own Eyes:  Learning to "Think Small"

Part 3 Reading about the Messiah
Seeing Him through Hebrew Eyes
9 Memory Is Critical:  Hinting at the Scriptures
10 Moses and the Prophets Have Spoken:  Finding Promises in the Synagogue
11 Reading in the Third Dimension:  Listening for Echoes in the Text
12 Jesus' Bold Messianic Claims:  Very Subtle, Very Jewish
13 When the Words Catch Fire:  What We Miss in Isaiah

Appendix A Books of the Tanakh
Appendix B Thirty Useful Hebrew Words for Bible Study
Appendix C Bible Translations for Word Study

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