Thursday, May 02, 2019

Resources: Caring for your pastor

Pastoral for many pastors is challenging, what helps pastors cope with these challenges, live healthy lives (physically and mentally) is when they are cared for.  Following are some resources to help congregations and fellow Christians care for their pastors.    If you are aware of any others please add them to the comments.  

Biblical Study

Article:  The cost of not caring for your pastor (includes suggestions on how to care for your pastor)
Article:  How to care for your pastor
Article:  Gospel Coalition - 7 ways to care for your pastor 
Article: Support and care for the pastor - a critical role of the board
Article;  50 ways to love your pastor

Blog - Pastoral Meanderings - who cares for the Pastor?

Handout:  Who cares for the Pastor?

Free pdf Book - Who cares for the Pastor?


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