Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Book: The Resilient Pastor: Ten principles for developing pastoral resilience

Ministry is challenging, complex, and costly. Too many pastors and church leaders are getting spread thin, burned out, and walking away! In an ever-changing church culture that includes social media, blurred denominational lines, and an increased demand for relational ministry, many pastors are feeling overwhelmed, becoming discouraged, and dropping out of leadership roles. You may be one of them--but you are not ready to give up. The Resilient Pastor will help you to focus on character development and spiritual formation as a Christian leader, engaging the challenges of ministry with passion and perseverance. You will explore ten principles for developing pastoral resilience and consider biblical examples as well as testimonies from contemporary leaders as you lay the foundation for becoming a resilient leader. This journey through The Resilient Pastor will be worth your time as an individual leader or in a small group context with other pastors.

Develop intimacy with God
Invest in Mentoring Relationships
Pursue Your calling daily
Focus on Core Values
Recognise Your Strengths
Accept Your limitators
Maintain boundaries
Maintain emotional stability 
Reject erroneous messages
Embrace Grace

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