Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Book: Growing up: In, with and under Jesus

This is a little book about Christian maturity. All of us have growing up to do. It's called maturing, and it's good for us.
But, how exactly do you grow up in your faith?
What does a mature Christian look like?
Are there any habits that mature Christians tend to practice?
This book answers these questions. Each chapter dives into a different aspect of the Christian life and examines what a mature Christian life looks like in that area: God's Word, Prayer, Church and Worship, Evangelism, and Daily Holiness. While we are called to grow up in, with, and under Jesus, we never grow out of Him. Actually, the more we mature, the more we realize just how much we need our Savior Jesus.
Readers who enjoy authors such as Acuff, Chan, Goff, Peterson, and Tchividjian will similarly be blessed by Peter Berauer’s words.

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