Monday, November 10, 2014

Web Site: Living in the next phase - ministry to and by older Christians

Living in the next phase vision is to see third (55-75 year old's) and fourth (75 plus year old's) age people nurtured in their faith, reaching out to their peers with the Gospel and exercising their spiritual gifts and godly wisdom in a vital ministry within the church.
Influenced strongly by Psal 92:12-14....The righteous will flourish ... they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green ...

The web site includes:

  • Events
  • Articles
  • Recommended Reading
  • Newsletter
  • Recommended Education
  • DVDs

DVD of their 2014 conference
Session 1: A Biblical Approach to Aging (Bishop Peter Jensen)
Session 2: Living in the Next Phase (Rev. Dr Andrew Cameron)
Session 3: Understanding the Global Generations Mindsets and Implications for Mission/Ministry to the Aging Baby Boomers (Mark McCrindle social researcher)

Workshop 3: Forever Young: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Challenges of Aging Well Convener: Jill McGilvray, Speaker: Dr Andrew Cole
Growing Older in a Youth Obsessed World 
Living Well in the Next Phase
• Creation
• The Visit
• Our Mortality—Thanatology
• Palliative Care
• Beyond Death—1 Cor. 15
• Jesus—The Way, Truth & Life
Who Cares for the Carer?
• Who is a Carer?
• Care for the Carers: Carer Wellbeing
• Spread the Word of God
Empowering over 55s for Ministry
• Identifying Opportunities for ministry with seniors in the local church
• Recruiting, Preparing & Maintaining teams for seniors ministry
• Discovering and using your Spiritual Gifts in ministry
Sharing the gospel with Over 55s
Session 1: Preparing Our Gospel…
Session 2: Preparing Ourselves
Session 3: Preparing for God’s People..
Growing a Dynamic Ministry to Over 55s
Session 1:- Our Identity in Christ
Session 2:- Our Part in Christ’s mission
Session 3:- Vintage Christians
Enjoying Your Best Years: Staying Young While Growing Older
Session 1: Saying Young while growing older
Session 2: Ageing Well to enjoy our best years
The Best is Yet to Come
Biblical foundation and principles of Ministry to Older Adults
Designing a Ministry to Older Adults

Visit Living in the next Phase

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