Saturday, November 08, 2014

Book: Seeing God as Father: The Fullness of Sonship Explored by Noel Due

Noel Due, the regional resourcing pastor for the Lutheran Church of Queensland, along with Daniel Bush and Steve Brown, explore what it means for God to be our Father.
There book is helpful if your reality and vitality of God’s fatherhood is outside your experience.   The wonderful news is that God isn’t like your father, no matter how good or bad he’s been. To call God “Father” isn’t an analogy; he’s not like a father—he is the one and only Father, of whom all earthly fathers and mothers are but poor reflections. In the face of Jesus you see him as he really is and he’s poured out his Spirit so that he’ll be your “Abba.” His purpose is to lead into your true destiny, the liberty of sonship.
Chapters include:
Seeing God as Father

  • God the Father:  all in all
  • Filled with fullness
  • Father's Plan
  • The Lord in our midst
  • The Father's Cross
  • Freed to rest
  • Being in the Spirit
  • Waking in the Spirit
  • Confident Access
  • Joyful Mission
  • Perfecting Sons and Daughters
  • The United Family

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