Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Youth Bible Overview - experimental

Echo is an experimental bible overview for youth

The 12 sessions

Session 1: Creation
Genesis 1–3
Session 2: Disruption
Genesis 3–9
Session 3: The Promise
Genesis 12–13; 15–18; 21
Session 4: Exodus
Exodus 1–5; 7–15
Session 5: Commands
Exodus 19–20; 24–25; 31–32; 34; 40
Session 6: Judges & Kings
Numbers 14; 22; Joshua 11; Judges 2–3; 17; 21; 1 Samuel 8–9;
13–18; 22–23; 26; 31; 2 Samuel 5; 7–8; 11–12; 1 Kings 14
Session 7: Exile
1 Kings 3–5; 8–14; 2 Kings 17; 24–25; 2 Chronicles 7; 36;
Amos 3–5; 7; Jeremiah 18; 23; 29; 31; Ezekiel 36; Ezra 1–2;
Nehemiah 4; 6
Session 8: God-with-Us
Luke 1–3; Matthew 1–3; Mark 1; John 1
Session 9: Miracles
Matthew 8–9; Mark 2; 4; Luke 4–5; John 5
Session 10: God’s Kingdom
Matthew 5; 12–13; 18; 20; 22; Mark 2;10; Luke 11; 13–14; 17
Session 11: Death-to-Life
Matthew 26–28; Luke 19; 22–24; John 11; 15
Session 12: The Church
Acts 1–2

How it works
Each session follows a six-part sequence for participants to encounter the Bible in a variety of ways:
1. Rewind
The Story So Far video engages participants to briefly share something with a friend. Then, the video shows a fast-paced, animated review of the previous sessions’ stories.
2. Prepare
Participants draw a version of the story symbol in their Sketch Journals. Then, the leader helps to create a reflective environment and encourages imaginative listening.
3. Imagine
The leader reads the Bible story aloud. A carefully crafted narrative script of the story is provided in the Leader Guide.
4. Capture
After a quiet moment of reflection, participants capture any aspects of the story that stood out to them in their Sketch Journals.
5. Remix
The story is read aloud again, by someone of an opposite gender. During this telling, participants complete an activity that helps them to retell part of the Bible story in their own creative way.
6. Connect
The leader encourages participants to share their observations and insights from the story. A set of intentional questions is provided in the Leader Guide.

For more information visit here 

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