Wednesday, September 25, 2013

DVD course: Leading Change: Church Leadership amid turmoil

Dr. Peter Steinke applies Systems Theory to the task of leadership, especially leadership during or for change. Change is the new constant and change creates anxiety and resistance. The functioning of leaders during this time is critical to the ability of the organization to maintain its commitment to its mission. Unlike some theories, which neglect the human emotional processes of an organization, “Leading Change teaches leaders to expect anxiety and sabotage but to stay calm and committed to advancing the mission. Change can stall the development of an organization through fear of the unknown but courageous leaders can call people to embrace a new adventure in meeting the latest challenge. This course would be very helpful for congregational leaders who are experiencing transitions, conflict, demographic or economic challenges. The “Leading Change course equips leaders to respond to the expected anxiety in an organization facing change. Study guide included.

Session One: Systems Theory 28:00
Session Two: A Self-Differentiated Leader 18:35
Session Three: Functioning Position 11:26
Session Four: The Functioning of a Leader 18:19
Session Five: Change 10:14
Session Six: Conflict 18:07
Session Seven: Roles of Leaders in Conflict 17:34
Session Eight: Conclusion 16:04
Bonus Session: Narcissism 4:08

Dr. Peter Steinke is a student of Dr. Murray Bowen and Rabbi Edwin Friedman, and has adapted their systems theory to the ways in which congregations function. He help found the Bridge Builder Network, which provides training and resources for troubled congregations. He established the Healthy Congregations initiative, which provides resources and training for churches wishing to stay healthy. He is a consultant to congregations, judicatories and other church-related organizations.

 for more information and to order the course visit selectlearning

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