Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Institute of Worship and Outreach

About the Institute of Worship and Outreach

The Institute for Worship and Outreach is a group of WELS pastors who have brought together their experience and training in public worship and mission outreach to assist and encourage pastors as they work to reach out to the lost with the gospel of Jesus.

The Institute for Worship and Outreach is a group of WELS pastors who have become convinced, on the basis of study and ministry experiences, that worship forms and outreach methods can and must intersect confessionally and evangelically in efforts to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. With this perspective, they have come together to assist and encourage pastors as they strive for excellence in public worship and mission outreach.

What they offer on their website:
  • Blog:  listing good ideas and thoughts relating to worship and outreach'
  • Academic Papers
  • Worship Planning resources
Visit their website at

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