Monday, July 02, 2012

Discussion starter: All age baptism or infant baptism?

The term infant baptism...or the chant we baptise infants is a frequent statement by many in the Lutheran Church....
The statement is a good reminder that God welcomes even the youngest person, that everyone needs God's saving and that baptism is not primarily about what we do...but is what God is doing!!!
The statement is also used to distinguish ourselves from those churches and their theology who do not baptise infants.....

But is there a problem in using the term infant baptism???

The problem is, some see the term as exclusive rather than inclusive.   For some it implies that those who are baptised as infants are more important than those who are baptised later in life and for others they think that the the baptism of infants is something different than baptising older people ....but this is not the case, check out Galatians 3:26-29 and Ephesians 4:4-5

So wouldn't be better to use the term...we baptise people of all ages!!!

What do you think?

For resources and discussion on baptism

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