Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lutherans in Australia according to the Census

In 2011 the Australian Bureau of Statistics undertook a census of the entire Australian population.  

Those indicating that their religion is Lutheran is as follows.     

State 2011 2006 Change % change Capital City % Country %
SA 71427 71249 178 0.25% 38533 53.95% 32894 46.05%
Vic 41498 42420 -922 -2.17% 23703 57.12% 17795 42.88%
WA 13135 11948 1187 9.93% 9465 72.06% 3670 27.94%
NT 7900 7505 395 5.26% 1652 20.91% 6248 79.09%
Qld 79179 76694 2485 3.24% 34120 43.09% 45059 56.91%
NSW 33091 35344 -2253 -6.37% 16966 51.27% 16125 48.73%
ACT 3480 3746 -266 -7.10% 3480 100.00% 0 0.00%
TAS 2210 2188 22 1.01% 952 43.08% 1258 56.92%
Australia 251920 251094 826 0.33% 128871 51.16% 123049 48.84%

What do this figures tell us?
Are we still the rural church?
How doe these figure correspond to out membership records and worship attendance?
What do these figures mean for mission and ministry?

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