Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Christian views and responses to Gay marriage

The topic of Same Sex/Gay/Homosexual marriage has become one the hottest discussion points not only in Australia, but in various other places around the world.   Below is a collection of resources that may help you as a Christian or Christian Lutheran to form an opinion, defend a position and hear the various voices for and against homosexual marriage so you gain a greater understanding of where Christian pastoral care is needed.   

If you have some other suitable resources that you believe will help others feel free to send them to me at  

Lutheran Church of Australia's position
Press release
Doctrinal Statement on Marriage
Theological opinions

Denominational perspectives on homosexuality

Centre for Public Christianity -  John Dickson's thoughtful discussion on Gay Marriage 

Gay Marriage? from CPX on Vimeo.

Australian Christian Lobby webcast recording of Defining Marriage

Statement by 19 churches in Australia

a discussion on the biblical view of homosexuality including homosexual marriage

From ChristianAnswers God's plan for sexuality

Gay Marriage - one Christian's perspective

From the Gay Christian Network
Ron's view that gay people should remain celibant
Justin's view that God blesses gay marriage

Lutheran (LCMS) view of Gay Marriage
from Higher Things

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
What does the bible say about homosexuality?
Views on Marriage and Human sexuality?

Should we support Gay Marriage?  NO Wolfgart Pannenberg

What does the theology of the cross say about gay marriage ban
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America support of Same Sex Marriage news report
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America report on Human Sexuality

Real Marriage by Peter Jensen from the Anglican Church Sydney Diocese
Andrew Corbett discussion on same sex marriage in the context of family

Gay Marriage in the bible - bible study from Christian Gays
Biblical arguments against Gay Marriage

Neil Hart -  A pastor of the Lutheran Church of Australia, thoughts and reflections

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