Monday, September 12, 2011

School and Church partnerships

The recent School Link magazine from Lutheran Education Australia is dedicated to school and church partnerships. 
Articles include:
What an Open door by Dennis Obst
Signs of church in a school community by John Proeve and Stuart Traeger
What young people think about the church by Philip Hughes
School and church partnerships; a Catholic perspective by Philip Sharkey
Engaging Students beyond the school yard

1 comment:

  1. Tim Jarick12:00 pm

    Thanks Richard for reminding us of this great issue of School Link and the even greater issue of Church-School Relationships. Paul Sharkey’s article of different models of Church-
    School partnership within Catholic schools and parishes I found particularly interesting. His third model of growing the church out of the school is one that has merit and which I will be dialoguing with my principal and congregational pastor colleague about what I next meet them.
