Monday, September 12, 2011

Book: Announcing the Kingdom-the story of God's mission in the Bible

This book surveys the development of the kingdom of God theme in the Old Testament and demonstrates how it reveals God's mission in creation, Israel, and among the nations. The authors then turn to the fulfillment of the kingdom through Jesus' ministry and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit.

The author, Arthur Glasser has over thirty years of teaching experience.

This book is used by a number seminaries and colleges as a foundational book for Biblical Mission courses.

Part 1 -  God's Mission in the beginning
Part 2 -  God's Mission through Israel
Part 3 -  God's Mission amongst the nations
Part 4 -  God's Mission through Jesus Christ
Part 5 -  God's Mission through the Holy Spirit by the Church
Part 6 -  God's Mission extends to the end of time

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