Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lutheran Leadership: Nehmehiah chapter 3

At least a day before you meet; read Nehmehiah chapter 3

This chapter highlights that many people are needed for rebuilding the temple.
Reflect and Share
How does this chapter relate to your congregation?

Now read 1st Corinthians chapter 12
Reflect and Share
What these two chapters maybe saying to you as a leader and to those you are leading?

Apart from the actual building what else did some of those involved in the building do?
read Nehmehiah 3:1
Reflect and Share
What might this mean for your organisation?

Next Steps
Thinking about Nehmehiah 3, what are the next steps for your congregation or organisation.
Do you think there is a need for better planning and co-ordinating in your congregation or organisation?
How can you encourage more people to be involved in building God's church?

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