Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Book to Read: The Hansie Cronje Story an authorised biography

Throughout his cricketing career, Hansie Cronje confessed to be a Christian.

After the bookie scandal came to light this was an embarrassment for some Christians, although for others it showed how Christians can be caught up in sin and still require God's grace and forgiveness.

This book is written with Hansie's faith always in mind.
It reveals:
How easy it is for a person, even a Christian to stumble into sin.
The need for mentors and accountability partners.
How sin and its consequences can overtake someone's life.
Much of Hansie attitude and perspective on life.
How living out someone's dreams and hopes, will come with times of celebrations and difficulties.


  1. Anonymous7:56 pm

    What a great resource!

  2. Anonymous3:54 pm

    Amiable post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
