Monday, January 25, 2010

Missional Reading List

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren has published a suggested reading list which is available here

Books included on the list are:

Essential Reading
Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1998. by Guder, Darrell L.
The Essence of the Church: A Community Created by the Spirit. Baker Books, 2000. by Van Gelder, Craig
The Missional Leader: Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World. and Fred Romanuk, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006. by Roxburgh, Alan

Books to help in Critiquing Missional Theology
God's Kingdom & the Utopian Error: Discerning the Biblical Kingdom of God from Its Political Counterfeits. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1992. by Beyerhaus, Peter P.J.
Shaken Foundations: Theological Foundations for Mission. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. 1972. by Beyerhaus, Peter.
Mission From the Cross: The Lutheran Theology of Mission. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House. 2009. by Schulz, Klaus Detlev

Other Books
God's Missionary People: Rethinking the Purpose of the Local Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995. by Van Engen, Charles.
The Evangelizing Church: A Lutheran Contribution. Augsburg Fortress Press. 2005. by Bliese, Richard H. and Craig Van Gelder, eds.
The Ministry of the Missional Church: A Community Led by the Spirit, Baker Books, 2007. by Van Gelder, Craig.
The Missional Church in Context. Eerdmans. by Van Gelder, Craig, ed.
We Are Here Now: A New Missional Era, Allelon Publishing. by Kiefert, Pat,
Treasure in Clay Jars: Patterns in Missional Faithfulness. Eerdmans. by Barret, Lois Y., ed.
A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation, Augsburg, 2008. by Rouse, Rick & Craig Van Gelder

Online Resources

Earlier writing by Lesslie Newbigin, . Scroll down and click on the title "Mission in Christ's Way: Bible Studies."

"A Conversation: Tim Keller, John Piper, D.A. Carson" on You Tube regarding the tensions surrounding doing evangelism and mercy ministries. This comes out of The Gospel Coalition 2008.

An article on the Kingdom of God by John Schaller.

Peter Beyerhaus' paper concerning the Kingdom of God.
Samuel Escobar's paper on evangelism and justice issues.

Ed Stetzer's blog

Pastor Tim Keller gives his view of "missional church" can be accessed at:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Free Lenten Devotions for Congregations

Lutheran Hour Ministries has produced 2 Lenten Devotions for congregations to distribute

From The Mount of Transfiguration to Mount Calvary – A Lenten Journey renders in a style familiar to long-time readers the salient events in Christ's life inaugurated by His transfiguration and accomplished by His atoning work on Calvary.

Walking With Jesus follows the Lord in a contemporary voice as He ministers to those around Him, befriending and encouraging those who would follow Him and, all the time displaying compassion for a sinful and renegade world.

You can download, customise and print them for use through your congregation

To obtain the devotions

Lutheran Leadership: Nehmehiah chapter 3

At least a day before you meet; read Nehmehiah chapter 3

This chapter highlights that many people are needed for rebuilding the temple.
Reflect and Share
How does this chapter relate to your congregation?

Now read 1st Corinthians chapter 12
Reflect and Share
What these two chapters maybe saying to you as a leader and to those you are leading?

Apart from the actual building what else did some of those involved in the building do?
read Nehmehiah 3:1
Reflect and Share
What might this mean for your organisation?

Next Steps
Thinking about Nehmehiah 3, what are the next steps for your congregation or organisation.
Do you think there is a need for better planning and co-ordinating in your congregation or organisation?
How can you encourage more people to be involved in building God's church?

A Book to Read: The Hansie Cronje Story an authorised biography

Throughout his cricketing career, Hansie Cronje confessed to be a Christian.

After the bookie scandal came to light this was an embarrassment for some Christians, although for others it showed how Christians can be caught up in sin and still require God's grace and forgiveness.

This book is written with Hansie's faith always in mind.
It reveals:
How easy it is for a person, even a Christian to stumble into sin.
The need for mentors and accountability partners.
How sin and its consequences can overtake someone's life.
Much of Hansie attitude and perspective on life.
How living out someone's dreams and hopes, will come with times of celebrations and difficulties.

More Worship Training from Creative Worship Tour

The Creative Worship Tour continues to offer short to the point training relating to Worship

Richard Webb from Community Church of Hope West Des Moines talks about
3 things for Worship Leaders to remember
Evaluating your Worship experience

Whilst Cyndee Buck discusses An art gallery in church


Telling Your Story Resources

Resources to help you in sharing your story about God's involvement in your life from Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Sharing your story resources

Bible Studies

Following are some Lutheran Bible Studies currently available on the web for free

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Kettering Ohio
II Peter
Believing God
Fruit of the Spirit
Old Testament Parables
Old Testament Series 1
Psalm 23
Purpose Driven Life
Seven Doors of Spiritual Growth

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Nassau Bay, Texas
Old Testament
Early History of Israel
Israel's Kings
Prophets and Their Message
The Book of Job

New Testament
God's Eternal Plan
God Sends the Saviour
Jesus Begins His Ministry
People Hear About Jesus
Lessons From Jesus
The Road to the Cross
Jesus Fulfills His Ministry
The Good News Spreads

Bible Stories for Adults

Bethel Bible Series
Old Testament
New Testament

Winning Friends for Christ:
Each One Reach One

Devotions for Lent
Stories of Christmas

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Lectionary based Bible Studies

Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio Texas

Approaching Adversity - Is orientated in helping people respond to personal adversity based on high-adversity situations in the Old and New Testaments.

Bible Stories with Impact - Exploring some classic Bible stories, and the truths they reveal.

Christmas Out of the Box - A solid Bible study responding to holiday stress, strain, and busyness.

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts - Do you want to find out what your gifts are, how you fit into God's family, and where you can serve God best? This study comes complete with a spiritual gifts inventory and application guide.

Exploring Lutheranism - Takes you on a journey through the amazing promises of God's Word.

Extreme Makeover - Are you ready for a fresh start? This 5-session study will help you renew your relationships, attitude, faith, and more! You'll walk with five Biblical characters who will help lead you into the new life Jesus gives.

Family According to Proverbs - The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about a lot of things! What about the family?

How to Believe - If you are new to the Christian faith, this study will help you

Key Verses for Sharing Your Faith - Do you want to grow in being able to share your faith with someone else? This 2-week mini-series will lead you through the basics of how to be an effective witness and what words to say. The study will help you identify key Bible verses to use in your personal witness to others.

Live Wisely - Do you need some wisdom in your life? God promises that He'll provide it! In this study you'll have the chance to take a 6-session sampler of the book of the Bible that will fill your life with wisdom and grace.

Ordering Your Private World - this 8-session study will help group members reclaim their lives that can be so easily turned upside down by the world.

Parenting With Purpose


Sacred Marriage

Single With Purpose

Who You Are When No Ones Looking

Redeemer Lutheran Church Sister Lakes Michigan

Lesson 1: Bible and Catechism
Lesson 2: Introduction to Creeds
Lesson 3: Our Creator Father
Lesson 4: Our Protecting Father
Lesson 5: Our Preserving Father
Lesson 6: Jesus the Christ: Son of God, God and Man
Lesson 7: Jesus the Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King
Lesson 8: Jesus the Christ: His Humiliation
Lesson 9: Jesus the Christ: His Redemption
Lesson 10: Jesus the Christ: His Exaltation (1)
Lesson 11: Jesus the Christ: His Exaltation (2)
Lesson 12: The Holy Spirit Who Calls Me By the Gospel

Part 1: The Dove

Part 2: The Ant
Part 3: The Horse
Part 4: The Fish

Part 5: The Fox
Part 6: The Ox
Part 7: The Pig
Part 8: The Lion
Part 9: The Deer
Part 10: The Snake

A four part course on basic Bible interpretation.

Class outlines and study helps covering the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer.

Class outlines and study helps covering Baptism and the Use of the Keys.

A booklet of forty Bible passages well worth memorizing.

A seven part series on famous bodies of water in the Bible and the events that happened in and around them.

A study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians.

A study of the first 23 chapters of Numbers.

A study of the book of Leviticus.

A seven part series on the places of Jesus' ministry (part six is missing).

The first half of a 15 part study on the customs and culture of Bible times. This section addresses home and family customs.

The second half of a 15 part study on the customs and culture of Bible times. This section addresses life outside the home.

An eight part series on the flora of the Bible with special reference to the Bible stories in which the plants are found.

A book on the women of Christian hymnody and the poetry they wrote.

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod: Circuit Wikel Bible Studies

"How Green Is Our God!"
"Generous Giving"
"Funding the Mission"
"Stewards of the Mysteries"
"Making the Most of Time"
"Conserving Relationships"
"Church and Culture"
"Confession and Witness"
"The Way We Worship"
"Welcome To The Table"
"Women in Ministry"
"Pastoral Formation"
"What Kind of Leader?"

Hope Lutheran Church Aurora CO
Images of the church in scripture

If you are aware of any other bible studies or you are willing to share ones that you have developed, please email me

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Movie: Book of Eli

Book of eli is a new movie with Denzel Washington

The basic synopis is
In the not-too-distant future, some 30 years after the final war, a solitary man walks across the wasteland that was once America. Empty cities, broken highways, seared earth--all around him, the... In the not-too-distant future, some 30 years after the final war, a solitary man walks across the wasteland that was once America. Empty cities, broken highways, seared earth--all around him, the marks of catastrophic destruction. There is no civilization here, no law. The roads belong to gangs that would murder a man for his shoes, an ounce of water...or for nothing at all.

But they're no match for this traveler.

A warrior not by choice but necessity, Eli (Denzel Washington) seeks only peace but, if challenged, will cut his attackers down before they realize their fatal mistake. It's not his life he guards so fiercely but his hope for the future; a hope he has carried and protected for 30 years and is determined to realize. Driven by this commitment and guided by his belief in something greater than himself, Eli does what he must to survive--and continue.

Only one other man in this ruined world understands the power Eli holds, and is determined to make it his own: Carnegie (Gary Oldman), the self-appointed despot of a makeshift town of thieves and gunmen. Meanwhile, Carnegie's adopted daughter Solara (Mila Kunis) is fascinated by Eli for another reason: the glimpse he offers of what may exist beyond her stepfather's domain.

But neither will find it easy to deter him. Nothing--and no one--can stand in his way. Eli must keep moving to fulfill his destiny and bring help to a ravaged humanity. --© Warner Bros

The higher power comes from the Bible he carries

It is about to be released in Australia....February 2010

There are bible study guides available at

To view a trailer of the movie visit...