Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lutheran Funerals blog has commenced

There are some entries....

Will post more soon....

Looking for more ideas

Lutheran Leadership: Nehemiah study chapter 1

At least the day before you meet as leaders or the day before you intend reflecting further on the Nehemiah Chapter 1

Begin your time togehter by reflecting on the last week or month you have experienced as a leader.
What have been some of the good thing?
What challenges or frustrations have you been facing?
How do the good things and the challenges fit into God's persepctive of being a leader for Him?

Read Nehemiah 1:1-3
What situations are you facing or hearing about as a leader that parrallel those Nehemiah hears about?
What is the reality of your situation?

Read Nehemiah 1:4-7
Think and share about what verse 4 maybe suggesting to you as a leader for your congregation or your organisation.
Think and share about how God has been faithful and kept His side of the bargain with you, your congregation and community as suggested in verses 5-6
Think and share about what sins as leaders we need to confess on behalf of the congregation or organistion you are leading....(verses 6-7)

Read Nehemiah 1:8-11
Think about and share what verse 8 and 9 is suggesting for your congregation or organisaton.
What role is God playing?
Whose people are we actually leading and what does this mean for us as leaders?
According to verse 11 what is important for all leaders who are leading people for God.

Daily challenge
Between now and the next meeting pray daily the type of prayer Nehemiah prayed for His people.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A worship experience for families: Taste Worship

Peder Eide a musician has developed a contemporary worship experience that encourages families to be inspired through worship together.....
To explore what this is about and the affect it has on some people visit:

Taste Worship is a radically new experience where families:
• experience worship together—led by Peder Eide
• expand their vision and understanding of worship
• engage with each other in meaningful conversations
• explore practical "ingredients" to connect spiritually throughout the week

Youth Encounter

Youth Encounter is a Lutheran Youth movement offering opportunities for young people to grow with others as they grow with God

Youth Encounter partners with Christian communities to strengthen their ministry to, with, and through young people.

Partners and Desired Outcomes
We desire that Christian communities:
Give witness to Jesus Christ in ways that are heard by young people;
Maintain a sense of community that welcomes young people into the presence of God;
Have effective ministry activities for each grade level;
Offer support for and secure the support of families.

We desire that young people be
Established in Christian faith;
Engaged in Christian ministry;
Equipped for Christian leadership.

We desire that one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church
Make an evangelical, confessional, and healing Christian witness;
Advance Christian mission and growth throughout the world;
Develop faithful, evangelical, and effective professional and lay church leaders.

Their mission and ministry is arranged around:
Event Ministries
Sounds like love: an event that helps young people grow through music
Quakes: events that include awesome speakers, fun activities and Christian music
Zones: an event that helps young Christians and Christian adults connect with each other

Service Ministries
Global Work Crews
Katrina Work Crews
Customised Mission Trips

Team Ministries that travel together through USA and Internationally

If you are at secondary school/college or a parent this is well worth exploring at

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Generation Church: A network of micro churches

Generation Church is part of the Church of the Lutheran Church which has developed a network of micro churches as the way the congregation ministers to people around Phoenix
to discover more visit

Monday, October 19, 2009

A giving brochure

The Lakes Evangelical Church has a simple brochure that explains why and how to give....To look at a copy of this brochure visit

Christmas CD: Chris Tomlin

Chris Tomlin has released a Christmas CD with a number of hymns played in a contemporary style.
To listen to tunes and buy the album or itunes visit:

Three keys for sharing your faith....short study

Jerry Kosberg from the South East District has developed a short study on the three keys for sharing your faith
Leaders guide and participants guide available.

Friday, October 02, 2009

a quick thought: Is it time to tap into those rainy day savings

I remember growing up hearing that we needed to put money away for a rainy day. I also heard this in the church.
Well with our congregations declining or at best not keeping up with population growth, a shortage of pastors and other struggles maybe the rainy days are here or as someone else said I fell like we are living in a torrential downpour.
So are the rainy days here??

Foundations of Living 21 Lessons course

Foundations of Living 21 Lessons course is a course developed by two Lutheran Missouri Synod pastors that cover the following topics
The Natural Knowledge of God
The Bible
Creation and Preservation
Angels and Devils
Mankind, the Fall and Sin
The Law and The Gospel
What Do We Owe God?
What Do We Owe our Neighbour?
The Intertestamental Period
The Person of Christ
The Work of Christ
The Holy Spirit
Forgiveness of Sin
The Church
Confession and Ministry
Last Things
The Christian Life

You can use this course freely in your congregations and the workbook is available at: