Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lutheran Leadership: Nehemiah study chapter 1

At least the day before you meet as leaders or the day before you intend reflecting further on the Nehemiah Chapter 1

Begin your time togehter by reflecting on the last week or month you have experienced as a leader.
What have been some of the good thing?
What challenges or frustrations have you been facing?
How do the good things and the challenges fit into God's persepctive of being a leader for Him?

Read Nehemiah 1:1-3
What situations are you facing or hearing about as a leader that parrallel those Nehemiah hears about?
What is the reality of your situation?

Read Nehemiah 1:4-7
Think and share about what verse 4 maybe suggesting to you as a leader for your congregation or your organisation.
Think and share about how God has been faithful and kept His side of the bargain with you, your congregation and community as suggested in verses 5-6
Think and share about what sins as leaders we need to confess on behalf of the congregation or organistion you are leading....(verses 6-7)

Read Nehemiah 1:8-11
Think about and share what verse 8 and 9 is suggesting for your congregation or organisaton.
What role is God playing?
Whose people are we actually leading and what does this mean for us as leaders?
According to verse 11 what is important for all leaders who are leading people for God.

Daily challenge
Between now and the next meeting pray daily the type of prayer Nehemiah prayed for His people.

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