Saturday, October 24, 2009

Youth Encounter

Youth Encounter is a Lutheran Youth movement offering opportunities for young people to grow with others as they grow with God

Youth Encounter partners with Christian communities to strengthen their ministry to, with, and through young people.

Partners and Desired Outcomes
We desire that Christian communities:
Give witness to Jesus Christ in ways that are heard by young people;
Maintain a sense of community that welcomes young people into the presence of God;
Have effective ministry activities for each grade level;
Offer support for and secure the support of families.

We desire that young people be
Established in Christian faith;
Engaged in Christian ministry;
Equipped for Christian leadership.

We desire that one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church
Make an evangelical, confessional, and healing Christian witness;
Advance Christian mission and growth throughout the world;
Develop faithful, evangelical, and effective professional and lay church leaders.

Their mission and ministry is arranged around:
Event Ministries
Sounds like love: an event that helps young people grow through music
Quakes: events that include awesome speakers, fun activities and Christian music
Zones: an event that helps young Christians and Christian adults connect with each other

Service Ministries
Global Work Crews
Katrina Work Crews
Customised Mission Trips

Team Ministries that travel together through USA and Internationally

If you are at secondary school/college or a parent this is well worth exploring at

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