Thursday, March 19, 2009

Theology in the life of Lutheran Churches....LWF Seminars

Lutheran World Federation Department of Theology and Studies is hosting a gathering of seminars on "Theology in the life of Lutheran Churches".

Some of the topics are incredibly mission focussed and well worth digging deep into.

List below are the sessions and some of the papers that are available.

Seminar I: Interpreting the Bible in a global Lutherancommunion
David A. Brondos:

“Recovering sola scriptura as a liberating principle: Reflections from the global South”
Bulti Fayissa:
“His preference of the periphery: The faith of the foreigners in the Gospel of Matthew”
Kennedy Gora:
“The impact of the land situation in Zimbabwe on women: A rereading of 1 Kings 21:1-29”
James A. Kelhoffer:

“New Testament constructions of power and legitimacy based on persecution: Exegesis and the global Lutheran communion in dialogue”
Girma Mohammed:

“Whose meaning?: A critical look at wax and gold tradition as a unique ethiopian hermeneutics”
Elieshi Mungure:

“Signs of hope: African woman’s perspective in the current rereading and reinterpreting the Bible in the Lutheran communion”
Duane A. Priebe:
“Mutual fecundation: The creative interplay of texts and new contexts”
Batara Saut Marali Sihombing:
“God and Mammon (Matthew 6:19-34) from a narrative approach”

Seminar II: Creation, redemption and eschatology
Kristin Graff-Kallevåg:

“United with Christ in baptism”
Allen G. Jorgenson:
“On the art of properly distinguishing law from law”
Malte Dominik Krüger:
“On Luther and pictures: Zur Theologie des Bildes bei Luther”
Rosane Pletsch:
“Theology and ecology in dialogue”
Cornelia Richter:
"Trust–Claim for Reliability"
Edward H. Schroeder:
“Lutheranism's crying need: A mission theology for the 21st century Luther's own mission theology--Contemporary Lutheranism's best-kept secret”
Mary J. Streufert:
“Thinking about Chalcedon from a feminist perspective: Transgressing boundaries within the boundaries of no division”
Samuel Yonas Deressa:
“Entering into the now discussion of African theology of the late 1960s and 1970s through Gudina Tumsa’s approach”

Seminar III: Worship and other Christian practices
Dorothee Arnold:

“Spiritual care and palliative care: Chances and challenges for pastoral care”
Peter Balslev-Clausen:
“Hymns and hymn singing as an indicator of the situation of the church”
Samuel Frouisou:
“The church's impact on African women's marital and social conditions: The practice of marriage”
Dorothea Haspelmath-Finatti:
“‘Theologia prima’ liturgical theology as an ecumenical challenge to Lutheran worship practice”
Daniel Inyang:
“Worship and other practices of Lutheran congregations”
Alex Mkumbo:
“Church practice and church discipline in the worship service”
Kenneth Mtata:
“Absence of children at the Eucharist in the Lutheran churches in Africa”
Colette Ranarivony:

“Worship and other practices of Lutheran congregations: Pentecostal context”
Thomas Schattauer:
“God's mission in the practice of assembly”
Basil Schild:
“'It’s so Boring Waiting for Jesus.' Blessing and non-blessing in Central Australia”
Helen Grace Sironomy:
“‘I fear no evil for you are with me’ - Presence of God as a source of strength to palliative care patients”
Teresa Swan Tuite:
“Luther's tactual itinerary of grace”
Gertrud Tönsing:
“Singing the Lutheran song”
Jens Wolff:
“Worshipping-experience as the heart of Lutheran theology: An intercultural approach”

Seminar IV: The public vocation of churches in society
Norma Cook Everist:

“The church’s vocation in society through the ministry of the laity in the languages of their daily lives”
Eva Harasta:
“Pluriform unity in Christ. Responding to the challenges of multireligiosity from the perspective of Lutheran ecclesiology”
Paul John Isaak:
“The church prophetic witness: Social, economic, and political engagement by churches”
Joas Bainomugisha Kahesi:
“Concept of relationship theology”
Robert Kelly:
"Public theology and the modern social imaginary"
L. DeAne Lagerquist:

“‘Lest we become beasts who devour each other’: A Lutheran calling to higher education in multi-religious settings”
Alan Ka Lun Lai:
“Empire resisting pedagogies: Practicing theological education in the presence of empire”
John Rollefson:
“Invoking in public”
Ernest Simmons:
“Education for vocation in public life”
Antoinette Yindjara Beanzoui:
"The function of catechesis in the church"

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