Monday, March 16, 2009

Missional Bible Studies

The Center for United States missions (A partnership of the LCMS World Missions, Concordia University Irvine and North American Mission Executives of the LCMS) offers a range of resources for those interested in mission including a range of bible studies. These include:
"Resourced for the Mission"
"Female and Fertile: Reproductive Capacity in the Local Congregation" "God's Mission to the City"
"Grace Upon Grace"
"Growing and Going: A Look at the Heart of God"
"John 4: Sharing the Gospel Across Cultures"
"Lutheran Distinctives in Evangelism"
"Missional Churches: a series by Kevin Wilson on the characteristics of missional churches"
"Spiritual Formation in Worship"
"Stay and Make Disciples"
"Three Keys for Sharing Christ with Others"
"Witnessing Without Words"

These are available for download at

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