Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lutheran Leadership 6: Being used to bring life to situations

As leaders one of our roles is to continue helping others see that there is life and help them to have life.

Opening questions
As either individual leaders or as a group of leaders
What ways have we helped others have life?
And what ways have taken life from others?

Completely read Ezekiel 37:1-14
and as you do ask yourself and others 'what role does Ezekiel play in helping people have life?'
Share your thoughts.

Reread verses 1-2
Often we can think that when we are rightly connected with God, He will always lead us to something good or great. But as Christians and as leaders this is not always the case. At times he may lead us to places that are dry, or have no life. But as we will discover this is only temporary.
As individual or as a group of leaders what dry lifeless places has God lead you to?
Why do you think this occured?

Reread verse 3-10
Now as you read these verses ask yourselves what did Ezekiel achieve and how?
Many leaders have achieved remarkable things in their life, from almost nothing created something good. Can you think of any?
All leaders have achieved something and some many things.
Through Ezekiel life came about.
However did you notice that God chose to use Ezekiel so that others can have life?
First there were signs of life and then there was life.

How is God using you to bring life amongst the people you lead?
What signs of life currently exist?
And where is there life?

Reread verses 11-14
Even when there are signs of life, some people will act as if everything is hopeless. The Israelites said, "Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off." And yet God doesn't give up.

Are there any people you are leading who say this?
How might verses 12-14 help you in leading them to the life God wants them to have?
What may need to happen?

Concluding thoughts
How does Ezekiel's experience in these verses help us as leaders?
What were you reminded of or see in a new way as a result of today's study.

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