Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lead like Jesus

The Lead like Jesus teams says everyone is a Leader!

Whether you are leading a corporation, a church, a group of individuals or a family, every person influences the lives of others.

Lead Like Jesus, believes there is a higher purpose for leadership, and a better way to measure success. They believe that Jesus is the greatest leadership model of all time. They believe the next great movement in Christianity must be about demonstration. Our words must match our actions. As believers in Jesus, we must behave differently.

Their Mission:
To glorify God by inspiring and equipping people to Lead Like Jesus

Their Values
Glorify God in all we do
Jesus is the greatest leadership role model of all time
Build relationships based on trust and respect
Biblically-sound content and teaching
Practice wise stewardship of time, talent, treasure, and influence

Their Vision
To see 6.8 billion souls served daily by the impact of people leading like Jesus

Their Promise
The leadership model that transforms you and those you influence

To accomplish this, they envision...
Jesus being adopted as the role model for all leaders
People being drawn to Jesus by the impact of people leading like Jesus

At their web site you will find:
  • Online Resources including the Lead like Jesus book with study guide, Lead like Jesus devotional (365 devotions), The most loving place in town book and Lead like Jesus seminary dvd
  • Free online devotions
  • Information and resources for business, ministry and emerging leaders
  • Free Servant Leadership IQ test
  • Group Study material
  • Other free stuff

For more details visit their web site:

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