Friday, November 21, 2008

Simple ways to highlight Jesus at Christmas

Use Advent as a way to prepare for Christmas at home, workplace and church.
Theme for week beginning 30th Nov is Hope.
Theme for week beginning 7th Dec is Love.
Theme for week beginning 14th Dec is Joy.
Theme for week beginning 21st Dec is Peace.

Be creative, make decorations and posters for your home, workplace, church.
Talk about and share how God and Jesus is bringing the theme for the week into our lives and how we can share the theme for the week with others, then do it.

Participate in Advent and Christmas reflections, devotions
Dedicate some time each day to spend time listening to and reflecting on God's word.
here are some places to go:

Reflect God's grace.
Think about how you can reflect God's unconditional grace to the people you know and interact with and do it.
Offer to help a stranger at the shops, in the street, etc..
Be courtious to people even though you are busy and flustered.
Send a card or even a gift to people even if they don't deserve it, with no conditions.
Wrap presents up in simple basic wrapping and place a note in the gift that highlights that like this gift, reflects the true love of Jesus...

Invite people
Invite people to special events for Christmas that highlight how God is at work through Christmas.
Invite someone over for Christmas lunch or dinner. (or take them your lunch or dinner).
Invite someone who looks flustered for a coffee, milkshake, icecream, etc...and offer to pray for them.

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