Friday, November 14, 2008

Books and Resources by Pastor Mike Newman (most free...all helpful)

Mike Newman is a pastor with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Currently his calling is with the Texas District, in the area of ministry and mission for what they call area C.

He has written a number of books, some of which he offers free as a download.

On this site you will find the following resources.
Satan's Lies: overcoming the Devil's attempts to stunt your spiritual growth
Steps Forward: this weaves the ups and downs of life into stories of an ordinary family. Each chapter guides the reader to a healthy dependence on God’s strength and faithfulness.

The following are available for free download.
Harrison Town: Stories of a family that help refresh your heart and soul with God's grace.
God in the dance: making sense of baptism and Holy Communion in the Lutheran Church.
Jesus and the afterlife: Biblical answers to what happens when we die and what will heaven be like.
Who believes what: Information about various Christian denominations and other religions
A case for Christianity: Discover facts about the Bible’s accuracy and formation; dig into the history of Christianity; find out who Jesus really is.

To review and obtain these resources visit:

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