Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ministry to the aged: a confernce United in Spirit

In many Western countries the simple fact is that we have an aging population. So it is important that we continue exploring how we minister, look after and outreach to the aged.

The Board for Lutheran Aged Care Australia is holding a conference called United in Spirit, which offers a number of presentations that help those involved in ministry and mission to the aged.
These presentations include:
Being Aged: A Matter for Respect
Exploring Affordable Housing Options for Older Australians
Trends in Ageing
Aged Care Funding Instrument
Youngcare - A relevant and dignified lifestyle for young people with high care needs
Shaken-ness and Engaged Spirituality in Social Care
PeaceWise – Spiritual Perspective on Conflict Resolution
Sacred Spaces
Lifestyle in Dementia – Creating a Sense of Joy and Happiness
Caring in a Time of Complaint

Dates: 11-12 September 2008
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland Australia

For more details visit

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